Comments by Sabrina Brennan

Video: Highway 1 Citizens Committee inaugural meeting

February 22, 2011
Midcoast Power Grab: Letter to the MCC Friday, February 4, 2011 Chair Len Erickson and Members Midcoast Community Council Post Office Box 248 Moss Beach, CA 94038 Re: Serving on Multiple Boards with Overlapping Responsibilities Dear Chair Erickson and Members of the Council, At the February 1, 2011 Midcoast Park Lands (MPL) meeting the directors and members of the public discussed concerns about the MPL, Vice President serving on multiple boards with overlapping responsibilities. Both of the Midcoast…

County recommends Pacifica TV get MCTV’s contract

February 21, 2011
I'm glad to hear that you think PCTV would be an improvement.

Open letter: Common-sense reforms for MCTV

February 21, 2011
Thanks for writing this letter.

County recommends Pacifica TV get MCTV’s contract

February 21, 2011
Hello Barry, Will the public have an opportunity to comment on the proposals and make suggestions to a draft of the contract? Did the County have public meetings to get feedback from the community on what services should be included in the contract?

County recommends Pacifica TV get MCTV’s contract

February 21, 2011
Would Pacifica Community Television videotape and broadcast public meetings such as HMB City Council, MWSD, CCWD, Harbor Commission, GSD, MCC and Cabrillo Unified School Board? If so would the videos be published on the Pacifica Community Television website in a user friendly way? Meeting videos on the MCTV website are very difficult to access and the embedded code is not available. Would the embedded code be made available on the Pacifica Community Television website? Online news publications and…

Storms erode beach at new Marine Reserve steps

January 05, 2011
Note the drainage pipe and waterfall next to the staircase. A mud slide covered the lower steps during one of the recent storms. The soil has been removed and access is fine for now. Chunks of bluff below the end of the pipe are on the beach. The pipe is accelerating the natural rate of erosion. We have the same situation in multiple locations in Moss Beach. This is not uncommon however it's less than ideal for the new $239,000 staircase.

Storms erode beach at new Marine Reserve steps

January 05, 2011
The storm water drainage problem has not been resolved. I imagine it will take time and more money before the County implements a solution. Hopefully this will be on top of the priority list for 2011.

Storms erode beach at new Marine Reserve steps

January 04, 2011
As Pacifica cliff crumbles, city scrambles for plan B "The owner of Lands End Apartments at 100 Esplanade wants to build a massive sea wall to deflect the waves, a proposal that has received a lukewarm response from the California Coastal Commission. The sea wall would extend up to 17 feet above the beach, be made of reinforced concrete 24 inches thick, and cover a stretch of lower bluff below the apartments." Link to San Mateo County Times article:…

Letter to the Supervisors on election irregularities

December 23, 2010
The excuse for paper ballot shortages at the polls is lack of funding. Democracy doesn't come cheap. If we want it, we'll have to pay for it.

Big Wave EIR community comments and County Planning responses are now available

November 17, 2010
Big Wave Project SLIDSHOW:

Big Wave EIR community comments and County Planning responses are now available

November 16, 2010
Given the current glut of commercial office space available in urban centers with close proximity to public transit it appears the Big Wave developers are running the County and the taxpaying public through an exercise in futility.

Videos: Candidates for CUSD, Harbor Commissioner, Supervisor

October 09, 2010
Link to Smart Voter website:

Ballot Pamphets Available for Checkout from the Library

October 09, 2010
Link to Smart Voter website:

Videos: Candidates for CUSD, Harbor Commissioner, Supervisor

October 06, 2010
Thanks to Darin for all his hard work!

Album: Devil’s Slide punch-through

October 02, 2010
Awesome photos Cheri!

We’ve redesigned Coastsider

September 29, 2010
Coastsider was due for a makeover. Good job!

Evan Peterson exhibit, artist’s reception Friday

September 19, 2010
I like Even's paintings.

Coastal erosion, flooding, and sea level rise in Pacifica, Sun, Aug 16

August 10, 2010
Bob Battalio is a very good speaker!

Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Dardenelle trail walk: This sunday, 10am

August 08, 2010
Thanks to everyone who joined the walk this morning. For more info on water polution at the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve please read the 2008 California Coastal Commission water quality assessment report.

Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Dardenelle trail walk: This sunday, 10am

August 07, 2010
Please give consideration to the harmful and toxic effects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. The proposed Fitzgerald Marine Reserve asphalt surfaces on the bridge (12' wide x 60' long) and trail (14' wide) would drain directly into San Vicente Creek and increase the water pollution already documented. San Mateo County 2009 Beachwater Contamination Results are the second worst in the state. Los Angeles County is the only County in California with more beach closing/advisory days than San Mateo…

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