Facebook Group for the Coastside
Posted: 25 July 2007 01:47 PM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2004-08-30

I just created a few groups on Facebook targeted at the Coastside community.  You can link to them here:

  Coastside - Coastside Facebook Group

  Moss Beach Park - MBP Facebook Group

  Friends of Fitzgerald Marine Reserve - FFR Facebook Group

For current Facebook users, these groups provide a way to network/socialize around these common areas interest.  For Coastsider readers who are not already members of Facebook, becoming a member of Facebook and joining these groups will allow you to use the powerful social networking tools available through Facebook.

Just to be clear, the idea is not to steer traffic away from coastsider.com, especially the Coastside group. On the contrary, the Coastside group can be a way to complement coastisder.com and drive traffic to the site.  There is a recent news section, for example, where people can post links that point back to coastsider.com (for more detailed information).  I’m an active coastsider.com user (and fan), and want to promote its readership.  The Facebook page is NOT a community news site - it’s an interest group within a social networking site.

Please come and join!
