Terri Schoenrock Reece - 10 May 2008 11:40 PM
Kevin is awesome! In the event his doesn’t work (and it should) I always call Strawflower Electronics to buy these types of things.
And, we here at Reece Computers (shameless plug) always have zip drives laying around should we need to move data for one of our customers. We just don’t sell them - we’ll move the data.
But we charge for it - it looks like Kevin will only cost a beer!
Terri Reece http://www.reececomputers.com
Doesn’t work???!!!! ;-)
It’s still in the shrink wrap, but indeed been sitting around with other un-used computer peripherals. I have used ones as well (Jaz, Zip, etc…) , sitting in the garage (my Murphy’s Law guess is the cobweb’d versions will work fine vs. the shrink-wrapped never used versions). The box I just pulled out still has a coupon affixed for discounts on zip discs… which I’m not sure they make anymore.