I think we’d all agree in principle that we’d all be a lot better off if there were fewer cars on the roads, guzzling gas, polluting, and creating traffic backups. One obvious improvement would be if more people biked—to work, to shopping, etc.
HMB is blessed, thanks to the foresight of some, with one of the best bike trails on the Peninsula—the Coastal Trail—and is in the process of building a new trail along rt. 1. But there are hardly any bike lanes on roads around town. And the worst is rt. 92, which for much of its length from HMB to the reservoir does not even have shoulders. The lack of bike lanes and shoulders certainly discourages bike use for non-recreational purposes here on the Coastside, though there are certainly many who have no other choices and take their lives in their hands every day just to get to work.
I have tried biking to work over the hill (and btw have a recumbent with an electric assist, if anyone’s interested), and it’s a hair-raising experience, made more so by the necessity of commuting in the dark most of the time. Car drivers, and especially truckers, hate my mere presence, and don’t hesitate to let me know it, even though I’m pulled over to the side as far as I can go. But many parts of the existing shoulders have been allowed to crumble away, and other parts look like they were never paved at all, so getting entirely out of the lane is often not an option, an unsafe situation for me, and clearly an irritant to drivers.
I’m not asking for a bike trail over the hill (though that sure would be nice), but what would it take to get the shoulders paved? Not only would this be good for bikes, but it would be much better for cars as well, allowing stalled, broken down, or crashed cars to be pulled to the side so that traffic could continue, instead of our current system which often backs up the whole road until a tow truck can get through.
I know the City has jurisdiction over only part of the road. I guess the County and/or Caltrans has the rest. Shouldn’t a major thoroughfare like this have shoulders? What could we do to get them paved?