This is kind of a rant but if anyone has an idea of who we bug to make this happen please respond. And I know in the grand scheme of things this is ‘only tv’, but it’s been bugging me for a while.
I get Comcast digital cable and pay the $60+ a month for it. Along with a lot of coastsiders it’s my only option because of the trees or mountains blocking over the air broadcasts and satellite signals. I’m actually ok having that as my option even though I know Comcast has issues.
What really bugs me is I’m paying the same $60+ a month that the people in San Mateo do but for a far less product. We get the same digital channels, but none of the extra offerings such as OnDemand, DVR or HDTV. Why should we be paying the same $60+ for less?
I have heard that Comcast is waiting for an environmental study to be done before the ‘new’ signal can be sent through an already existing cable line over the hill (Which on the surface seems ridiculous to me). Is this something that can be pushed to the top of the to-do list?
So who do we have to bug to make this happen sooner than later? City government? Comcast? Who? It seems like our city government could do something to make this happen and better serve the coastside.
thanks for listening.