VOTE: Mario Vazquez For CCWD—ONLY!
Posted: 30 October 2007 05:48 AM
Total Posts:  60
Joined  2005-11-07

It seems that everyone has forgotten that there are four (4) candidates listed on the ballot for three (3) seats on the CCWD board. Now it is possibly true that Mario Vazquez has said that he doesn’t have the time to campaign right now—I write “possibly”, because we have such unreliable sources as Jim Larimer, Chris Mickelson and the Review. More on that in a moment.

For those who have forgotten, Candidate Jim Larimer is the only member of the CCWD board who had the chutzpah to stand up for Chris Mickelson when Mickelson went postal. True, Ken Coverdell and Bob Feldman failed their “Profiles in Courage” moment; but it was Candidate Jim Larimer who had the audacity to defend the indefensible!!

Is it any surprise when Candidate Jim Larimer and Chris Mickelson called on Mario Vazquez that they announced that Mario Vazquez was not going to actively campaign for office? If you had a pregnant wife and the dynamic duo of ‘Battyman and Robin’ had called on you, demanding to know why you had the audacity to run for CCWD, what would do? Ever wonder why we have so few candidates willing to run for public office and put their family through the slime that has encompassed what we call local politics?

We can send a message to the sickos!
Mark your ballot for Mario Vazquez for CCWD—ONLY!

I am printing the flyer at and handing them out for the parents along with the Halloween candy for the kids. Will you join me in starting to clean up this slimepit we call local politics?

Ken Johnson

Posted: 30 October 2007 06:38 PM   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  27
Joined  2004-10-15

By the way,  two months after I filed the ethics complaint against Mickelsen, I have not received any response from CCWD. Now there’s a responsible public agency for you: run by bullies, for the benefit of wealthy developers, with no code of ethics to get in their way. Sort of like national politics

Posted: 02 November 2007 04:25 PM   [ # 2 ]
Total Posts:  60
Joined  2005-11-07


Thanks for the update. Maybe it takes the CCWD board just a little longer than most to determine that pantomiming killing the chair of the other board during a joint public board meeting, CCWD and HMB Planning Commission, is probably unwise.

Mario Vazquez might be able to help the CCWD Board understand that a copy of a“Code of Ethics” is an ironical item to write anonymous hate mail on. It seems that the CCWD Board is composed of ‘Batty Man and Robin” and the ‘Three Monkeys’.

Ken Johnson

Posted: 03 November 2007 02:01 PM   [ # 3 ]
Total Posts:  14
Joined  2005-03-28

It has recently been suggested that there be a debate concerning water policy between CCWD’s Board Member, Jim Larimer and MWSD’s Board Member, Paul Perkovic on the HMB Review’s TalkAbout site - see below.

Paul Perkovic has accepted the challenge—- will you, Jim Larimer or, will you continue to just misrepresent the facts regarding the true state of CCWD’s and MWSD’s water policies? Barb Mauz

Just posted by Darin Boville

I think it would be valuable to have a guy from CCWD vs a guy from MWSD since they sort of represent views held by one side or the other on the coast. It would be fairer in some ways than a strict candidate debate since there are two broad views (so the candidate debate gives us a two to one mismatch) and side neither are running for MWSD they more clearly represent policy views rather than just themselves, if you see what I mean.

I think the water policy posts have been very informative here on TalkAbout but I’m not sure how many people are actually here—getting a taste of this in an online video might reach a larger number of voters hre on the coast.


Posted: 03 November 2007 06:44 PM   [ # 4 ]
Total Posts:  14
Joined  2005-03-28

Can’t make it, Jim? Or, is it that you KNOW that you cannot win in the face of the truth that would come out in this debate?

Barb Mauz

From Review’s “TalkAbout” blog:

Still waiting for Jim…



O.K., I just got the word that Jim can’t make it.


What’s that old lawyer saying?

When the facts are on your side, argue the facts.

When the law is on your side, argue the law.

When neither the facts nor the law are on your side, just hurl insults at your opponents, try to keep them from getting their case heard, and change the subject.

Oh, sorry. That last part wasn’t from the old lawyer saying, it must be from something else.

I’m ready to debate anybody, anytime, on water issues.

What are Jim Larimer and Richard Bulan so scared of?

And by the way, most of the pro-Bulan folks have suggested that the entire MWSD board is in lock-step thinking, so any one of the five of us would presumably accurately represent that thinking. The MWSD incumbents are busy campaigning on their record, they don’t have time to waste with Jim Larimer even if he hasn’t turned chicken.

Paul Perkovic, MWSD board member (his own opinions, of course)

Paul Perkovic, a resident of Montara, 7 minutes ago



There are two broad philosophies about water policy on the coast. One side is represented by Richard Bulan, the other by Slater-Carter and Boyd.

Fitting perfectly into that framework are the views of Larimer and Perkovic. Having Jim and Paul debate would serve to raise issues, educate people, and give them a more solid basis for voting.

In fact, the more I think about it the more I PREFER this to having another dull candidate debate.

Still waiting for Jim…


Darin Boville, a resident of Montara, 54 minutes ago


O.K., I just got the word that Jim can’t make it.


Darin Boville, a resident of Montara, 33 minutes ago

Posted: 03 November 2007 07:41 PM   [ # 5 ]
Total Posts:  60
Joined  2005-11-07


Thanks. I don’t normally look at the Review’s “TalkAbout” - always have the feeling of needing to use antibacterial soap afterwards.

Your and Darin’s posts make just too much sense for Jim Larimer to accept. People like ‘Battyman and Robin’ really prove their true selves when pressed!

That’s a thought—how about Chris Mickelson’s availability? THAT would beat SNL tonight!

I was hoping for a real explanation of the horrendous percentage water rate increase in the past four years when the cost of water to CCWD hadn’t comparably increased.

If there is a repeat of last year’s snow pack, CCWD users will be on extreme mandatory water rationing next year. I would really like to hear a discussion of the ‘rationing plan’ that Jim Larimer said was ready to put in place.

In violation of the first HMB LCP, written nearly a quarter century ago, (I know, I participated in the writing) CCWD is still ‘studying’ implementation of water reclamation! As far as I know, there are still wells in Pillarcitos Creek shipping otherwise potable water to the golf courses. CCWD is also supplying potable water to the cemeteries—I don’t think the ‘residents’ there would complain about using reclaimed water!

I am a bit jealous that my MWSD friends are having water sources expanded and here in CCWD we have the crowd that wants to increase the number of water users further reducing the number of gallons available per person during the upcoming water rationing.

As I understand the CCWD Water Rationing Plan, CCWD will continue supplying the big money interests that support them. CCWD will also allow those who can afford to pay the fines to just exceed their water rations.

Maybe a friend in MWSD will allow me to use their facilities for a shower and shave when the CCWD Board screws us over again.

Ken Johnson
VOTE: Mario Vazquez For CCWD—ONLY!

Posted: 05 November 2007 10:55 AM   [ # 6 ]
Total Posts:  60
Joined  2005-11-07

As a bit of irony, I just looked at:
JIM LARIMER from PCF “Candidates for Their Written Responses”

If elected, what goals would you set for this Board for the next five years?  10 years?

Planning for the future is the most important issue facing the water district today. These plans should investigate the potential of recycled water as a renewable resource. This might help contain out year cost increases, but it needs to be thoroughly researched before committing to this or any future plan for water. Recycling is good for the environment and with a customer for the recycled water could pay for itself.

Just how long does it take Jim Larimer to move from “investigate” to doing? Maybe another 25 years?

MWSD is bringing in new water sources!

CCWD’s Jim Larimer wants to “investigate” over the next 5-10 years what should have already been done!

Do you really think you should believe Jim Larimer’s ranting comments tearing up the current MWSD board?

Montara Water and Sanitary District
  * Scott Boyd
  * Kathryn Slater-Carter

Coastside County Water District
  * Mario Vazquez

Ken Johnson
