Does anyone have any information on just what is going on and how much longer it will be going on regarding the street repairs on Main St between 92 and Highway 1?
I’m sure its a very complex job with a lot of coordination of utility lines and blah de blah, , but hasn’t it been like more than a year now? It is just a basic resurface with curbs & sidewalks job - municipalities do them all the time. And why is there hardly ever anyone out there doing any work most of the time, except for the one guy who’s job seems to be to lean on the traffic cones?
The lack of a left turn lane on the upper half effectively gridlocks the street worse than it ever was in the afternoon, even before the inane high school traffic returned. Personally, I try to avoid having to go to any of the businesses there lately. When I do, I park in the shopping center across the street and stroll through the stalled traffic instead.
So, anyone know what’s up? A search of the HMBR site checked over 20,000 documents and found nothing matching “Main Street Repair.”