I’m an intermediate level photographer and a resident of Moss Beach for almost 10 years. My wife and I have always been curious about that’s up at the two bunkers along Devil’s slide. Has anyone hiked up to either one? I’m particularly interested in the one up the steep hill (the northern-most bunker). I’m not sure I want to be arrested for visiting since both spots forbid parking and have posted no trespassing signs. Suggestions?
I’m also interested in hiking up the hill that overlooks san pedro rock. I’m wondering if there is an access trail from pacifica, say from Belfast Ave or Olimpian Way? Anyone climbed up here? I can get an OK shot if I pull off Hwy 1 when I head north toward Pacifica if I pull off the road at the last turnout before you start heading down the hill towards Linda Mar.
Anyway, any advice or suggestions are appreciated!!