Tsunami Signs in Montara
Posted: 21 November 2007 07:46 AM
Total Posts:  76
Joined  2004-06-23

I’ve noticed several of these signs popping up around the lower parts of Montara. Where is the meeting point? The School? It’s sort of unclear.


Posted: 26 November 2007 08:39 PM   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  20
Joined  2004-11-10

The above sign seems to pictographically indicate that the direction to safety is toward the surf. This may sound picayune, but if we’re having to make two signs for each location (one for the pictogram and one for a direction indicator, why didn’t they just make one sign for each direction of travel on the highway, each sign pointing away from the surf? While the above arrow is correct for southbound traffic, the pictogram is correct for northbound traffic.

I’m not sure if the sign was supposed to point to a specific meeting place so much as it was just to show what direction to go in when a 60 ft wall of water was coming our way. Logic being what it is, a stranger transiting some lower lying coastal communities in the fog might see the above sign as showing which way the ocean was, not which way safety was. To me, this sign doesn’t indicate a potential tsunami; it tells me where to put in the water with a surfboard.
