Coastside Traffic Updates on the Radio
Posted: 29 January 2008 05:50 PM
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2007-09-24

On Friday, I was listening intently to the traffic updates on the radio as I headed home from my office in San Francisco.  Unfortunately, Devil’s Slide closed just before I got there.  The San Mateo County (SMC) traffic alert was on my phone and terrific… but I don’t answer the phone while I’m driving. 

I continued to listen to the radio intently as I made my way over 35 and back around via 92.  In the entire time I was driving, there wasn’t a single mention regarding Devil’s Slide.  Also, when I finally got home, I checked the local 5pm news (recorded on Tivo) and watched the last half of the 6pm news.  There wasn’t any coverage or mention regarding the closure.

What is the best radio station for Coastside traffic updates?

Any idea why the media didn’t cover the Devil’s Slide closure earlier?

Thanks in advance.  FYI - - We moved here from Mountain View in September and we’re still getting our bearings.

Posted: 31 January 2008 03:08 PM   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2007-05-17


I moved from SF to El Granada in May so I understand and sympathize since I am still commuting to Emeryville.  Last Friday, CBS5 (KPIX) had a reporter out at the larger slide and I did see it on the TV at some point that evening.  In my experience, KCBS (740AM) has the most reliable radio traffic reports.  But I would suggest going online (if you can) before leaving the office.  Goto or the CHP incidents information pages < > (choose Bay Area) and scroll the list.  It’s pretty handy in that if you click on an incident you can see more detail about location, timing, and impacts.  The CHP site I find to be the best to track a known incident since it updates frequently.  Drive safely :-)
