Removing Candidate Signs
Posted: 12 October 2008 04:07 PM
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2005-03-08

Recently person or persons unknown came upon our property and removed a sign supporting our favorite candidate for President.  I?m not going to go into who the candidate was except to say that they removed every sign in our neighborhood, and there were a lot of them.

Now I could easily blame a member of the opposing party as the thief or possibly a member of a third political party.  I might even point to a member of my own party as the bandit, his purpose being to make me believe it was done by someone in an opposing party, somehow intending to strengthen my resolve.

I don?t know who did it.  I do know it hasn?t changed my mind about for whom I am going to vote any more than a bumper sticker would change my mind regarding my support for gay marriage, concern over global warming or my love of dogs.

What I do know is that this same outlaw or outlaws unknown ? they were trespassing, so yes, they are ? would cause such a hew and cry should anyone tell them that they are not allowed to voice their opinion or support their favorite candidate, citing freedom of speech and freedom of expression.  Rightfully so and I would defend that right. 

Why is it then that my right to do the same thing is so easily disregarded by these same individuals?  Please, I respect and support your rights.  I ask for the same respect and consideration in return.
