Questions for School Board Candidates
Posted: 11 October 2006 10:50 PM
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2005-09-11

The Midcoast Community Council held a candidate forum for the Cabrillo Unified School District board candidates this evening.  Folks can watch it here on Coastsider or on Channel 6, MCTV.

Unfortunately three of the candidates were not able to attend.  Marina Stariha did a fine job reading their statements, but they weree not able to answer the questions.  I think voters will want to know the responses of all candidates to these question - and I bet there are some other informative questions that will be posted here from the larger audience once this thread gets started.

What follows are the 6 questions asked of the candidates.  I will send an e-mail to all 5 candidates letting them know they have an opportunity to post their replies here.

1.  Why are you running?  What do you expect to do?

2.  How well does the CUSD Board comply with the Brown Act What would you do differently?

3.  Why is enrollment decreasing while the coastside population is increasing?

4.  Why hasn’t the district’s required annual update of its Facilities Master Plaqn ever been done?

5.  When is the new middle school construction actually going to start and why wasn’t it put out for competitive bidding?

6.  What can be done for HMB High students being given detention for traffic related late arrivals?

Posted: 05 November 2006 07:27 AM   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  60
Joined  2005-11-07


I thought it wouldn’t be fair until after the “Incumbent Slate” had a chance to respond because Pam and I responded.
Seems they have a real fear of answering the question above. I guess if I were them, I would also, All the evidence is against them and I have access to the record.

Superintendent Bayless and Board President Jolanda Schreurs suppressed this year’s enrolment report!    A 6.7% drop!

With the exception of Kings Mountain, ALL the at the school, ‘meet the candidates’ were canceled!

Superintendent Bayless ‘commanded contact at schools only through him’!

Remember, that he received a SECRET new contract signed by the two incumbents!

Don’t you think the teacher’s should know that the Superintendent was given a lucrative new contract while they were being ‘poor mouthed” - the Superintendent’s contract is legally a public record - except in CUSD!

Regarding the ‘Incumbent Slate”: one absent is a scheduling problem, two is a coincidence, three absent is a BOYCOT!

“Stay the Course?” Or “Change The Course!”
Ken Johnson
