Displaced by DX extinction?  Want to Carpool to San Francisco?
Posted: 20 November 2009 08:47 PM
Total Posts:  7
Joined  2006-04-08

Hi all, am currently a DX rider who is saddened that this express bus service to San Francisco is being retired. :-(

I’ve crunched the numbers ... It would cost me $3 to park at BART plus another $6 round trip for BART itself.  For $1 more, another 10 minutes driving, I can drive directly to SF in half the time it currently takes me on the bus. 

So, I am looking for at least two other drivers to carpool with me into SF three days a week.  In my previous carpool, when the slide closed, we each drove 1 day, and the driver for that day pays the daily parking.  That worked really well and I’d like to find a similar carpool. 

My Ideal Carpool Logistics:
- SF destination: circa 1st and Folsom
- Coastside Departure time:  circa 6:35 (from Montara)
- SF arrival time:  circa 7 am
- SF departure time: circa 3:30 pm
- Montara arrival time: circa 4 pm
- Preferred carpool days:  Mon, Wedn, Thu

My preference is to travel early to avoid traffic, and I’ve listed times from Montara only because that’s where I live.  I am open to carpooling with anyone between HMB and Pacifica, although it sure would be convenient if you lived in Montara, too!  And I work an 8 hour day, with 30 minutes for lunch.  I do have some flexibility on the time, and also which days I carpool in, they just need to be same days every week though and consistent arrival and departure times.

Alternatively, I would also be interested in a few people who would want a ride and willing to pay carpooling expenses.  My first preference would be for carpoolers who can share in the driving though.

Thanks for reading my ad ... if you are interested, or know anyone who is, please let me know or forward this onto them.
