There seems to be much discussion (and disagreement!) about what is and what is not priority use within the Coastal Zone…like who gets first dibs on services such as water and sewer and coastal access (I guess).
Kevin Lansing in his 12/07 5:21PM Coastsider comment claims
the Califoirnia Coastal Act (...) reserves priority water for essential public services (libraries, hospitals, schools, etc.)
On the other hand, I have heard that the Coastal Act looks at visitor serving needs such as hotels, motels and restaurants as being a priority.
Or maybe it’s all of the above?
So, in the interest of finding out for myself I spent a good deal of time online, searching for information that wasn’t just a link back here to something said previously on Coastsider.
Well, the Coastal Commission spells it all out in the California Coastal Act. Yes, it’s there in plain English! Just a click or two away!
We can read about coastal development and inform ourselves rather than rely on hearsay or opinion!
Right here in HMB and the rest of the coastside that’s In the Zone® we find a definition under Section 30255. Coastal-dependent developments shall have priority over other developments on or near the shoreline. Except as provided elsewhere in this division, coastal-dependent developments shall not be sited in a wetland. When appropriate, coastal-related developments should be accommodated within reasonable proximity to the coastal-dependent uses they support.
But that’s not all folks! Section 30101.3. says Coastal-related development means any use that is dependent on a coastal-dependent development or use.
So are we clear now? Well, I’m not. I’d really like some examples. Are they spelled out somewhere in a file online, preferably at the Coastal Commission site?
What I would like from any readers who have struggled this far into this post is some sort of link to a list of what the Coastal Act deems “priority” when it comes to sewer/water hookups or construction. There must be someplace it’s spelled out in black and white and I must not be using the right search terms. Maybe someone already knows where the info is or is interested in helping to find it?
Is it a city thing? A county thing? I swear, I put in valuable time searching that I could have spent engaged in repartee in the main Coastsider section.
Help anyone?