Opinion:  Tell the county about pumpkin patch traffic on Hwy 92 before Wednesday


By on Mon, August 21, 2006

As you are aware there are two business farms on Highway 92 across the road from each other, Lemos and Pastorinos,  that slow traffic to a crawl during the holidays.
While these businesses are a great deal of fun, the extent to which they negatively impact traffic is a looming safety issue.
Their permits are up for renewal this week and it seems fitting that you weigh in on your feelings about the traffic impact.  In a conversation with the project planner, Ms. Leung,  she was unaware that traffic was effected outside of the two weeks prior to Halloween.  As a result it appears that the staff recommendation for the permit calls for no changes in traffic control.
Nobody wants to curtail the two establishments in question but it is the important to examine alternatives so that these two businesses do not cause traffic delays.  That corrections should be made so that they do not reduce the normal flow into town delaying  both residents and clients of other coastside businesses.
Perhaps the solution is as simple as to have them hire security guards to keep pedestrians from crossing the road, and thereby keeping traffic flowing and reducing the risk of a pedestrian fatality.  A second idea is to direct autos leaving their establishments make only right turns  back onto Highway 92, thus reducing the danger of traffic crossing the road.
Whatever you feel, now is the time to act. If you send a letter by email to the Project Planner it will be put into the file and read into the record.  Better yet you can attend the meeting.  Below is the information on the planner and the meeting:
The File on Lemos is PLN2000-00711 and Pastorino is PLN2000-00730
Camille M. Leung
Planning and Building Division
455 County Center, Second Floor
Redwood City, CA  94063
(650) 363-1826
[email protected]
Meeting of San Mateo Planning Commission
Wednesday August 23, 2006
Board of Supervisor Chambers
400 County Center
Redwood City

Brian McNamara