Linda Goetz at the Bach
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Owner-Coast Lines Secretarial / Assistant to Pete Douglas
Music, art, animals, stimulating discussion
Arrived on the Coastside in 1979. Started Coast Lines Secretarial in 1980 because I didn't want to commute. Been a successful self-employed single female ever since. Most notable career event was transcribing Playboy interviews for writer David Sheff, including the interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono that was on the shelf when he died. Otherwise, I've touched the lives of many many Coastsiders by "making them look good on paper". I was born and grew up in Northern Kentucky, moved to New York City in 1972, traveled overland to India and back in 1973, lived in Munich, Germany where I worked for Messerschmidt. Came back to the States and lived in Tempe Arizona in 1975 until I decided to cool off in San Francisco where I lived before moving to the Coast. Four years ago Pete Douglas invited me to move my home and office to the apartment at the Douglas Beach House. (My living room is downstairs underneath the dance floor and my bed below the 9 ft Steinway.) I'm happily helping continue his legacy of 45 years of music, including sharing my space as the "green room" for the musicians on Sunday. Managing and running the Ebb Tide Beach Club is another hat that I wear. I feel lucky and blessed to be able to live here and expand my previously latent communication and leadership skills. The Coastside has been good to me -- and to think, I was only passing through.
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