Deb Lagutaris
Member Group:  Trusted member
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Handywoman, Webhost and Web Designer, Legal Document Prep, Marriages/ceremonies
Internet connectivity, progressive politics, relocalization
I returned to college after my children were grown, graduating with a BA in Law and Society at the age of 51, then beginning law school immediately thereafter at UC Hastings. I graduated in 2004. I am not an attorney. I am a political organizer by nature and a computer geek by avocation :) I am also an econ geek, a very scary skillset these days. I have been predicting the current economic situation for some time...I just did not know how the global economy would start to collapse. I am the first person in my family to obtain a college degree. The experience was challenging but I do not regret any of the sacrifices I have made to obtain an education. I was a bank manager for many years. Economic pressures forced career changes, first as a business forms designer, then as a Real Estate Broker and mortgage lender. I did not care for the business of real estate, and sought a job in the public sector. My time as an elementary school librarian was one of the most delightful periods in my life. I was inspired by that job to finish my BA. Along the way, I built two houses from the ground up, and performed nearly all of the necessary home maintenance, gardening, and upgrading myself. My father had no sons, and I was the one hanging out in the woodshop. Daddy was always yelling at me but I did not leave :) Later, he taught me a great deal. That's why I offer my services as that unique creature, the handywoman. I love the work and it is good for both body and soul. Along with my handywoman work, I do clutter-clearing and feng shui. Any home or business can be beautiful! I have an Honorary Doctor of Divinity degree as well, and enjoy performing weddings and commitment ceremonies. I am most gratified that the California Supreme Court has seen fit to allow gays and lesbians to marry now, and I would be honored to perform those ceremonies.
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December 28, 2024  10:39 AM
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March 06, 2009  08:27 PM
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July 04, 2005  04:26 PM
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March 06, 2009  08:29 PM
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July 08, 2008  12:08 PM
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December 06, 2008  12:35 PM