Comments by pete leupold

Letter: Can anybody at all explain the Montara Water rates?

November 08, 2007
Mr. De Beer’s letter raises an interesting question I would like the Montara Sanitary District Management to respond to. Months ago I had a similar verbal exchange with the board in this forum and got similar, mostly evasive and later offensive answers. Anyway here is the question. A bond is a fixed sum of money, which has to be paid back on a pre-arranged schedule by the number of people who assumed the debt and should not be influenced or change when the property it is tied to changes hands.…

MWSD considering rate increase

January 25, 2007
Water rates Mr.Ptacek I had hoped this discussion was over. Unfortunately your broadside and personnel offence to my quote seem to have diverted the attention of the issues to a personnel vendetta without further shedding light on what precipitated this exchange of unpleasant accusations. This is nothing personnel and you having lived behind the iron curtain do not give you any special hold on exasperation. I have lived there too and probably much longer than you, making me versed in the intellectual…

MWSD considering rate increase

January 24, 2007
Water rate increase Since I will be shortly on the road I will certainly miss the meeting in mid February. Here are some final thoughts on that matter. So far the Water Board has answered none of the concerns and clearly stated questions asked by the community. Instead we got statements side tracking the issue, about rates others are paying. These numbers are only partially true; they forget to mention the high basic fee that is part of our water bill and do not include the bond yearly added to our…

MWSD considering rate increase

January 17, 2007
Mr.Ptacek I am one of many people in the Montara/Moss Beach area who will not be able to attend the scheduled meeting on February 15. The issues discussed are not a matter of the two of us expressing our opinion in a private meeting as you suggested or to convince each other of our respective viewpoints. Everybody attending the meeting should in advance be in possession of the same information that you hold and intend to present on that date. To make my point, I remember a time-share selling presentation…

MWSD considering rate increase

January 13, 2007
Water rate increase Thank you Mr.Ptacek for so eloquently responding to our concerns about the planned water rate increase without giving us any new data. Since you stated you would find the time to discuss the proposed increase with any interested party, I assume you could also find the time to prepare a pamphlet stating the financial data of the MWSD, the intended outlays and alternate solution to the anticipated expenditures and mailing it to the customers. Like many well prepared presidential…

MWSD considering rate increase

January 08, 2007
The contemplated water rate increase: Years ago, we the people of Montara and Moss Beach assumed the debt for the acquisition of the water district and there are now no profits to be distributed to the share holders or debt to be paid off, yet the Administration of the MWSD is requesting another rate increase, the second in a couple of years. Yes, we now have a better system due to our outlays, but if the Sanitary District cannot run the water system under conditions a private company wouldn’t…