Comments by Jackson Robertson

Recycle your old electronics in Pescadero, next Saturday

July 14, 2008
The update...about 3000 tires were collected at the Pescadero recycling event!!

Pants on fire

June 13, 2008
Who was on the City Council in 1991 - Didn't they get HMB into this mess anyways?!?

MADE in Half Moon Bay!

February 20, 2008
It's great to see that these young adults are interested in taking a step in the right direction. Regardless of their dream, these coastsiders are naturally proactive, and I'd guess pretty good students too. When I was their age, I joined a group that greatly improved my ability to communicate in a public forum. This group helped me and many others to beat the fear of talking in front of other people, or in this case, the camera. It's an exciting thought for them to be "Made", and to be on television.…

Letter: He that troubleth his own house….

November 26, 2007
Great story Al. Congrats on taking charge of the mountain. Often motivation comes from somebody telling you that you can't or shouldn't do something. Good work, and thanks for the laugh!

Letter: Airliner over Montara?

November 20, 2007
This plane was heading north - right over my house, south of Pescadero Rd. at about 4:30 pm, and I was very worried. It was so loud, and I felt like the plane was just a stones throw away. An FAA spokesman mentioned that this was a promotional celebration for a renovated Pan AM 747. He also mentioned that the plane was flying over 1000 ft, but I'd argue that! The spokesman said that there isn't any budget, or way to notify the public of this approval/event. But…