Letter: Meet to discuss health insurance reform in HMB Feb 26
On Monday evening, February 26 from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, a public meeting on health insurance reform will be held in the Community Room at Lesley Gardens, 701 Arnold Way in Half Moon Bay.
The meeting will feature a presentation and discussion of the California Universal Healthcare Act (CUHA). CUHA will establish universal health care in California by creating the California Health Insurance System, a single payer for all health care in the state. CUHA is designed to provide affordable health insurance coverage with an extensive benefits package, while controlling health care costs and improving health care outcomes. Recent studies have shown that a single-payer system like that proposed in CUHA can provide health care coverage for all state residents and still save money on overall health care expenditures. CUHA was introduced as Senate Bill 840 during the last legislative session and passed both houses of the legislature, but was vetoed by the governor. It has been re-introduced this year.
Richard Watters, Co-Chair of the Peninsula Chapter of Health Care for All, will speak about the inadequate quality of health care and what to do about it. He will also describe challenges that patients and medical professionals encounter in the current system of care.
The meeting is sponsored by the Coastside Democrats and the Peninsula Chapter of Health Care for All-California. The public is invited and admission is free.
For additional information, call Dennis Paull, 650-712-0498