Video: B-17 lands at Half Moon Bay

By on Sat, April 28, 2007

Darin Boville
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I was shooting a kayaking video from the small dock in Pillar Point Harbor when I spied a large, silvery shape gliding over the hills of Half Moon Bay. As a child, like many boys, I had built model airplanes of World War II bombers—but it is one thing to hold a plastic recreation in your hand and quite another to see the large, surprisingly graceful-looking craft floating through the haze.

"Dream Machines," at the Half Moon Bay airport attracts many exotic machines—but this B-17, named Sentimental Journey from the Arizona wing of the Commemorative Air Force, is generally considered the centerpiece of the show.

This video, about two and a half minutes long, shows the B-17 on its approach to land as it arrives from Arizona at the Half Moon Bay Airport on Thursday.