Coastside fire board appoints pro-Cal Fire member, union threatens recall

By on Wed, November 14, 2007

The Coastside Fire Protection District board of directors appointed J. B. Cockrell of Montara as its ninth member on Tuesday. Cockrell told the board that he supported contracting services to Cal Fire. Union representative Tony Slimick threatened a recall as a result of the appointment.

Slimick and Alan Davis of IAFF Local 2400 addressed the Board a couple of times each. They both appealed to the Board not to promote acting Chief Cole and not to appoint a ninth member, until the new Board is seated in December.

In last week’s election, four union-backed candidates defeated four pro-Cal Fire candidates for positions on the fire board.

Directors Silva, McShane, Burke, Lees and Donovan (Cal Fire supporters) voted for Cockrell.  Directors Eufusia and Riddell (both Cal Fire critics) voted for volunteer firerighter Matt Connors of Half Moon Bay.  Director McKimmie (Cal Fire supporter) voted for Michael Gaynes, of Moss Beach.

The ninth position is the swing vote on the board. Once the newly elected board members are seated, there will be four union-backed Cal Fire critics and five Cal Fire supporters including Cockrell.