Video: Supervisor candidates

By on Fri, May 14, 2010

For the past few years Montara Fog has offered local candidates a free five minute video as a way for them to reach voters without a "media filter." These videos have been published not only on Montara Fog but also on the Half Moon Bay Review web site and on, offering candidates complete coverage on the coast and maximizing voters’ chance to learn about the candidates.

This year we are expanding our candidate videos to include the race for the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. Rich Gordon, who currently represents the Coastside, is "termed out" and his seat is up for grabs. Five candidates are running for that seat. Four of them participated in this project.

Each candidate chose their own location for the video shoot and followed a set of rules to ensure that all candidates were treated fairly. Weather was a factor in recent days—during one shoot I barely had enough time to throw my jacket over the video camera before a wall of rain drenched us. Thanks to the candidates for their enthusiasm and flexibility in overcoming these obstacles.

Click on each photo to play the video.

Candidate Jack Hickey did not participate in this project.

Videos by Darin Boville