Help Coastside Seniors repair their homes

Press release

By on Wed, May 14, 2008

There’s still time left to volunteer for Senior Coastsiders’ annual Home Rehab Day. It’s the coastside’s one day home repair event where people pitch in to make the homes of local seniors safe and accessible, with some gardening on the side because beauty increases mental well being.

Home Rehab Day takes place on Saturday June 7th form 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers of all levels are welcome; come one, come all, individuals, group members, people 12-90 are invited to pitch in and make a difference in the lives of their neighbors, friends and family.

Just call 726-9056 for more information or go to to sign up.

Auditions for Full Monty at Coastside Rep, Saturday

By on Wed, May 14, 2008

Coastal Repertory Theatre will be holding auditions for The Full Monty, Saturday, May 17, from 10am to 2pm, at the theater, 1167 Main Street, Half Moon Bay.

Dance for Your Heart at Adcock, Sunday

By on Tue, May 13, 2008


Presentation on Parks for the Future at MCC, Wednesday

Press release

By on Mon, May 12, 2008


Opinion: Review’s coverage of AB 1991 is biased and incomplete


By on Sat, May 10, 2008

This is an updated version of an opinion previously posted on
This week’s issue of the Half Moon Bay Review contained a "news" story by recently-hired reporter Mark Noack that described the April 30 Assembly Local Government Committee hearing on AB 1991—a bill that seeks to exempt the 129-house Beachwood/Glencree development from having to comply with our state’s environmental laws.
The proposed bill is part of a sweetheart deal that the Half Moon Bay City Council is attempting to consummate for wealthy developer Charles "Chop" Keenan. To date, the City Council has failed to address a number of questions about this deal. The issues extend beyond Half Moon Bay to all of California.
I don’t wish to pick on Noack, but the Review’s story on the AB 1991 hearing was less than objective, to put it mildly. I would go so far as to say it was unprofessional—-but that would elevate the story to being viewed as an actual piece of journalism, which it clearly is not.



Supervisors to hold hearing on parks plan May 20

By on Sat, May 10, 2008

The Board of Supervisors is hold a hearing on the Midcoast Action Plan for Parks and Recreation [pdf] May 20 at 10am.  The hearing will be in the board’s chambers at 400 County Center in Redwood City.

The meeting is open to the public and you’re encouraged to speak.

Announcing Coastsider’s MCC discussion forum

By on Sat, May 10, 2008

At the request of some members of the Midcoast Community Council, we’ve started a new forum for Coastsiders to discuss the council and the issues they should address. There may be some overlap with other forum topics, but we thought it would be a good idea to bring together all Midcoast governmental issues in one place.

MCC members will read the forum topics and discussions, and can ask for clarification of comments. However, California’s open meetings law (the Brown Act) forbids them from engaging in a substantive discussion of the issues except with proper notice at an MCC meeting.

You can’t comment on this message, but you can comment on the associated topic in the MCC forum.

Coupon: Blue Blanket Improv tonight at Enso

Print out, or mention "Coastsider coupon" at the door.

By on Sat, May 10, 2008


International Migratory Bird Days at HMB State Beach this weekend

By on Thu, May 8, 2008

Saturday and Sunday May 10 and 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Bird Walk each day at 1:00 p.m. (beginners welcome)

Join the nation in celebrating and learning about migratory birds.  A day of fun and learning for the whole family.  Learn about bird migrations from North America to Central and South America.  Activities include exhibits and arts and crafts.  Learn ways to help birds; enjoy a guided bird walk and activities for children.

Location:  Half Moon Bay State Beach Visitor Center, 95 Kelly Avenue The event is free. Parking fee is $6 per vehicle.

Presented by California State Parks and Sequoia Audubon

Coastside Pop Warner recognizes its scholar/athletes, begins 2008 recruiting

By on Wed, May 7, 2008

The Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc., a national youth football and cheerleading organization, has just announced nation-wide winners of scholastics awards for 2008, including five Coastside Cougars Pop Warner players. 

The highest scholastic honor given by Pop Warner is the National First Team, which includes the top 35 football players and top 35 cheerleaders from each grade level.  Fewer than ten players from the 6000-member Bay Area Peninsula Pop Warner League achieve this recognition each year.  Joseph Lowman received this prestigious award for 2008.  Sean McCaffrey, Nathan Seaton, Neal Seaton, and Ryan Segervall were named to National Second Team. 

To achieve this recognition, players had to accomplish outstanding academic performance in school as well as demonstrate excellence in non-athletic activities and responsibilities such as honors classes and school awards, after-school classes, community service, and special projects.  Second Team includes the top 1,000 scholar-athletes from each grade level from approximately 360,000 Pop Warner participants across the United States.

The Coastside Cougars Pop Warner teams will be recruiting for the 2008 season now until practice begins on August 1.  More information is available at

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