Letter: Amazing raptor display at Wavecrest now

Letter to the editor

By on Thu, September 13, 2007

Brett Donald via Wikipedia
Black-shouldered Kite

Yesterday morning I walked from the Poplar Ave parking lot to the big ravine a half mile south where the steps are planned to be built, and was surprised to see many dozens of Black Shouldered Kites [photo], easily 70 either sitting in groups of a dozen to three dozen (I’ve never seen this before with this species), while four or five other species of hawks also flew about or rested in the area: Northern harriers, Red tails, Red shouldered, Sharp shinned hawks and kestrels were all on display.

Well worth your time to see this amazing occurrence that may not last long—there can’t possibly be enough game to sustain the numbers for any time at all. Take a good pair of binocs.

Ken King
Half Moon Bay