Letter: New information on low flying aircraft into HMB Airport

Letter to the editor

By on Mon, December 10, 2007

I’ve been complaining for months about this topic ... the noise is overwhelming us as they fly so close to our home.

Just found out the best way to report these people is by capturing a picture of it (showing landmarks), its tail number, and date & time. Then contact the FAA & find out the proper way to get the information to them.  Only if enough of this is done will they act on investigating these illegal acts.

I know this takes alot of work, but too many of us are being forced to stay in our homes; put earplugs on, and replace our windows to doublepane.  And thus we enjoy our quiet spaces?

Lack of noise pollution & our safety are "our" rights; not the pilots.  Please help us & spread the word.


Carole Skegas