CUSD “pink slip” list released

By on Tue, March 31, 2009

Cabrillo Unified School District employees have received a list of the names and positions of district employees who have been given "pink slips" by the district. The final layoff list will not be announced until after the district receives more education budget information from the state, but those on the list are left waiting for a reprieve.

The board decided that positions in agricultural science, special education, and English language learners (BCLAD) would not be cut, regardless of seniority.

Sergey Arzumanov
Shari Baldock
Amy Lopez
Gary Mason
Logan Medina
David Papp
Kathy Rippberger
Amanda Robertson
Jill Skinner
Maile Springer
Heidi Stadler-Mills
Stephen Tracy
Katharine Weber

Positions FTE’s
Director of Categorical Programs 1.0
Principal of Adult Ed and King Mt. Counselor 2.5
Elementary 5.0
English (9-12) 1.0
Librarian (9-12) 1.0
Math (9-12) 1.0
Science (6-12) 2.0
Spanish (9-12) 1.0