Video: Full video of Jackie Speier’s health care town hall

By on Mon, August 24, 2009

Darin Boville’s full-length video of Jackie Speier’s health care town hall is now online.

U.S. House Representative Jackie Speier held a "town hall" meeting outdoors at the Farallone View Elementary School in Montara this past Sunday. The event was originally scheduled for the 150-person Cypress Meadows and then moved to the larger auditorium at Farallone View before finally being positioned on the large playground area at the school. About 800 people attended.

Although it was reported that conservative radio shows were encouraging agitators to attend and disrupt the meeting, apparently only a few showed up, and those tended to cluster at the rear of the crowd. The crowd, overwhelmingly in support of some form of major health care reform (judging by the stickers worm, sign displayed, and questions asked) was respectful but intensely engaged.

The video of the meeting is a little over and hour and a half long offers and excellent overview of the proposed reforms
