LAFCo approves MROSD expansion

By on Thu, April 8, 2004

The San Mateo County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approved increasing the size of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District by a 6-1 vote, according to the Mercury News.

Opponents of the expansion are considering taking the matter to the voters, which would require getting a quarter of Coastside voters to sign petitions in the next 60 days. They’ve been talking up the need to put this question to a vote for a couple of weeks, in public meetings and the HMB Review.

The Almanac answers objections to the MROSD

By on Tue, April 6, 2004

What are objections to expanding the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District to the Coastside? The Almanac in Palo Alto lists and answers each of them.

The next LAFCo hearing on the plan will be 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 7, in Redwood City at the Board of Supervisors Chambers, 400 County Center, at the corner of Bradford Street and Hamilton Avenue.

Coastsider Guide: Government & Services

By on Wed, November 19, 2003

Please email additions, corrections, or comments to Barry Parr.

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