EDITOR’S NOTE: You can only get video of Tuesday’s Half Moon Bay City Council meeting from Coastsider, because MCTV wasn’t at the meeting. Unfortunately, we missed the first 10 minutes or so of the oral communications.
At Tuesday’s meeting, the city council approved mobile home park district zoning for Cañada Cove, securing the homes of residents from changes to property use. The council approved the budget for 2007 - 08. And they modified the plans for a permanent ordinance relating to planning commission appeals, with the modification that non-residents of Half Moon Bay would be allowed to appeal.
Sidenote: What do we call the park?
The city council noted that the park is called "Half Moon Bay Community Park" and not "Pilarcitos Park", as many folks have begun to refer to it. Coastsider has been referring to it as "the Pilarcitos Creek park site", because it tells people where the park would be located, it’s not a park yet, and "Half Moon Bay Community Park" is too confusingly similar to "Coastside Community Park"—which is the name of the Sewer Plant Road site (also not a park yet).
Oral communications, first 10 minutes missing [8 min] | Quicktime | Flash |
Council reports, staff reports, consent calendar [23 min] | Quicktime | Flash |
Establishing Mobile Home Park District for Cañada Cove [43 min] | Quicktime | Flash |Docs |
Approval of 2007 - 08 budget [15 min] | Quicktime | Flash | Docs |
Permanent revision to planning appeals, allowing nonresidents to appeal [30 min] | Quicktime | Flash | Docs |