If you are interested in exploring the headlands, working with volunteers, and planning projects to preserve and protect the Headlands in 2010 you are invited to join one of the stewardship teams and attend a "play" party on Saturday, January 9th from 9.40 am to 12.30pm. Volunteers will meet at the Pedro Point Shopping Center at 9.40 am and carpool up to the headlands via the gate off of Hwy 1. There they will meet with their stewardship team and walk the headlands to determine their team’s plan for 2010.
The five stewardship teams for the Pedro Point Headland Property, now owned by the State of California and the City of Pacifica but destined to become a future GGNRA park, are Habitat Restoration, Trails, Signage, Safety/Monitoring, and the History of the Headlands. Individuals can volunteer for more than one team. Each team will plan, prioritize, and lead volunteer work parties in the area of their expertise to preserve and protect the headland property.
If it is raining, volunteers are asked to bring their rain gear and meet at the Pedro Point Firehouse on Danman Road where everyone will vote to either meet in the firehouse or to go up to the Headlands.
At the last workshop in November several dozen excited volunteers gathered at the Firehouse to explore opportunities, gather information about the Headland property, and establish teams for the 5 work groups. Since this gathering, a number of meetings have been held with the National Parks Service and Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy about habitat restoration and trails restoration so that our work melds nicely into their plans as the future caretakers of the property.