MWSD Keeps Water Flowing During “One of the Worst Ever” Storms
Paul Perkovic is a director of MWSD
Everyone takes water, telephone, sewer, gas, electricity, and cable utilities for granted, until something goes wrong. The intense rain and severe windstorm that struck the Bay Area on Friday, January 4, 2008, took out half of those services for many residents and businesses on the Coastside, causing significant disruption to people’s lives. But water and sewer (and PG&E’s gas) utilities performed well.
Montara Water and Sanitary District (MWSD) crews, along with those of Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM), kept reliable water and sewer services running throughout the storm with only minor problems. The rain brought much-needed water to help recharge our groundwater supplies. The storm itself, together with a regional power failure lasting nearly eight hours for most of our s