Public warning about stranded sea lions
We are in the midst of what appears to be a significant statewide stranding incident involving mostly California sea lion yearlings. With heavy summer beach attendance, there is potential for injury, for beachgoers and their dogs. The animals are cute, pathetic to see, and don’t know not to bite a hand extended in kindness. In addition, they’re protected by law, by the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and anyone attempting unauthorized interference with one could be subject to fines.
Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary has posted notices in the Coastside area, and provided posters to the Pillar Point Harbor office since they have been getting so many stranding reports. The message is:
Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and Pillar Point Harbor advise:
CAUTION: Sea Lion Stranding Advisory!
Sick and starving marine mammals are washing up alive and dead on local beaches.
TAKE CARE! These are stressed wild animals and can bite and transmit diseases to you and your pet.
Report strandings at once (24 hours):
Live seals/sea lions: Marine Mammal Ctr., 415/ 289-7325 (-SEAL)
Dead seals/sea lions: California Academy of Sciences, 415/ 379-5381