The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District will hold an interactive "Issues & Opportunities Public Workshop" on Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. at the La Honda Elementary School in La Honda to assist the District in developing a resource protection and visitor-use plan for the nearly 5,800-acre La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve.
In 2004, the District kicked off the master planning process for La Honda Creek Preserve with two public workshops. The planning process was postponed in early 2005 to allow staff to focus on the purchase of the Driscoll Ranch property as an addition to La Honda Open Space Preserve so that it could be formally incorporated as part of the project. Staff has also been working on completing a detailed assessment of the Preserve’s roads and trails; expanding the available fisheries information for creek corridors, analyzing the costs and benefits of grazing; and compiling highway transportation data. This information, combined with a detailed biological resources inventory, will allow the District and the public to develop an ecologically sound plan.
At the November 16 workshop, the public will have a much larger area to consider than the original 2,042-acre La Honda Creek Preserve because the District purchased the 3,681-acre Driscoll Ranch, located southwest of the Preserve, earlier this year. With the integration of Driscoll Ranch, La Honda Creek Preserve will now encompass nearly 5,800 acres and become the largest District preserve in San Mateo County.