Video: HMB City Council fast-tracks Cunha permit, and more
UPDATED with Windows Media files
The big dispute the Tuesday’s Half Moon Bay City Council meeting was over whether the council should accept an administrative Coastal Development Permit for the renovations of the the Cunha Middle School. This item was taken off the Consent Agenda and moved to the end of the meeting to allow for discussion.
Several speakers said that the hearing was poorly publicized over the holidays and that it was inappropriate for the city’s planning director to grant a CDP for what will be the largest downtown project in the city’s history without a hearing before the Planning Commission. Planning Commissioner Kevin Lansing filed a protest with the council that raised several questions about the process [PDF]. Council members Grady and Muller voted to refer the matter to the Planning Commission, but were overruled by Patridge, McClung, and Fraser who accepted the CDP as granted. The permit is likely to be appealed to the Planning Commission.
The council also voted to make the Midcoast membership on the Parks and Recreation Commission optional rather than required. Council members Patridge, McClung, and Fraser voted yes. Muller and Grady voted against.
The meeting also marked Naomi Patridge’s first city council meeting presiding as mayor in this term—this is her fifth term as mayor.
The clips of the Parks and Recreation Commission and CDP discussions are both worth watching if you’re too busy to watch everything.
The agenda is posted on the city’s web site. Individual items below are linked to supporting documents on the city’s site.
- Mayor (incoming/outgoing) comments
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- Presentations/Proclamations
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- Oral Communications
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- Council Member Reports
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- Staff Reports
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- Consent Calendar
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- Making Midcoast member of Parks and Recreation Commission a optional rather than required position
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- Appointments to boards and commissions
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- Mayor’s Appointments
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- Proposed Transient Occupancy (Hotel) Tax Rate Ballot Measure
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- Measure A Phasing Agreement for an Affordable Housing Project at 501 Church Street
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- Granting mayor selection authority
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- Approval of administrative CDP for Cuhna renovations (removed from Consent Calendar)
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