Comments by Jack Kirkpatrick

CAL Juried Show?

April 12, 2011
Dear Mr. Cresson, If the juried show was at Coastside Art Gallery and Wine Bar, the newspaper doesn't report that! On the web page contained in that article: is dubious and clearly shows the CAL with the blue awning pronouncement suggests I am where I should be. In fact, the person laboring at the desk should have said our juried gallery is adjacent to this gallery and have given me directions.…

Pesticides in Residential Areas of Half Moon Bay

November 09, 2009
Sande: I have a former girlfriend who has serious MCSS and she was finally placed in Kauai, Hawaii. We all cannot live there. Very little is known about what sets this response off - some materials like perfume and body deodorant can be the culprit. Many other origins are unknown. Perhaps you are lucky and know what sets your condition off, but if that is not the case maybe you are attributing the problem to that which is not the culprit such as "latex paint, residue from carpets and cleaning chemicals,…

Pesticides in Residential Areas of Half Moon Bay

November 08, 2009
Thanks Sandra, This site may be more applicable for San Mateo County on the issue that concerns many of us. The problem is complicated and more so by regions. Many properties have been sold many times and by the time tests are undertaken, no one can be certain of the residual effects of prior chemical use by previous owners. As much as we would like to reduce the footprints, some may be irreversible.... My point is that all of us are responsible for pollution…

Pesticides in Residential Areas of Half Moon Bay

November 08, 2009
Helen Acosta noted that the big question is, "where exactly does my nose really begin and where does your fist really end?" Carl Sagan said, "We are torn between the craving to know and the despair of having known." Knowing that HMB and the coastal area is agricultural, as is the Central Valley, you can expect the harm of pesticides to be lingering as you cannot recall the bullet once fired. The EPA issued warnings on many products, yet most of us do not adhere to these warning labels -tobacco/alcohol/pesticides/ahesives/fabrics....…

Pesticides in Residential Areas of Half Moon Bay

November 07, 2009
What give you the right to "keep [your] workplace windows open to minimize indoor air pollution" and sully the air surrounding your home, workplace or community and the coastal farmland? Is your pollution better than theirs, especially since farmland was there first. When towns (old agricultural villages) encroach upon farmland - daries, cattle, sheep, flowers, artichoakes, brussel sprouts..., you run that risk of various pesticides unless those facilities are organic (I would bet there is pollution…

HMB transfers 21 acre proposed park site to POST

October 05, 2009
More political humiliation for HMB - sweep out the old politicians that created another fiscal fiasco. When will they ever learn and in the refrain... Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing Where have all the flowers gone? Long time ago Where have all the flowers gone? Girls have picked them every one When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where have all the graveyards gone? Long time passing Where have all the graveyards gone? Long time ago Where have all the graveyards…

HMB inventories its real estate

August 09, 2009
The small vacant parcels don't have much value to anyone unless you can utilize them for income or to advance government needs. These properties lie dormant. The question is, Are they being maintained so as to not create an eyesore or neusiance. After all, private property owners are expected to keep their property clear or the city will bill them if the city has to clean up after them. I think HMB returned a major property they could not maintain or service according to original trasfer to the city.

HMB inventories its real estate

August 09, 2009
Troubling. Is there an asset in there that isn't touched by the California Coastal Commission that could be developed?

Sierra Club questions HMB over Beachwood

August 07, 2009
I don't know about you all out there in California, but I intend to stay. I like California and much odf the governments there, but if you believe that government is the problem you all can leave for opportunities - there are many elsewhere. Just what is it about CA that make you stay? After all, our pioners from the east came here at the resident here can be pioneers and go to Detroit or Chicago or small towns eastward. That may be the new "old land of milk and honey." Really, you are not that jaded...…

Sierra Club questions HMB over Beachwood

August 07, 2009
Actually redistribution of the state demographics to other locations within the state would be a solution. It's the cost of the distribution system of goods and services and water, etc. that skewls the density problem.

Sierra Club questions HMB over Beachwood

August 07, 2009
If ciies want their rightful money back change the law. That can only be done by the legislature or a favorable ruling for cities and counties by the courts and upheld.

Sierra Club questions HMB over Beachwood

August 07, 2009
The irrationality is a voter based solution - they voted for the legislature and they determine the tax rate; they also vote on the programs and entitlements while the governor has to tell what them what is needed to mantain the legislative mandates. Let the legilature step up and assume their rightful responsibilities instead of shifting blame or surrender their power to the executive branch. That is what happen in the Federal government and that is what has happened in Sacramento. If the legislature…

Sierra Club questions HMB over Beachwood

August 07, 2009
Of course you don't need another park or assume reposibility for property that you turn back. What HMB needs is to credibility, and it doesn't have much. I say - go for the park,; it is punishment for trying to stick the state for paying off Chop Keenan in his successful lawsuit in name of having argued falsely "the needed park!" That should be the price paid to nail the coffin closed as bogus arguments should not be rewarded.

Sierra Club questions HMB over Beachwood

August 07, 2009
Maybe you are right, Carl, but I remind you that a lot of restrictions againt a city run by a minorty power is often restricted by high government - Federal and state - when it comes to earmarks and other means to reduce equal access to funding pet projects. Michigan and Florida primaries were restricted by the Democrats druing the DNC and a lot of brohaha.... I am sure we can look right into our own state politics - the legislature is primarily Democrats and they hold a lot of strings on what legislation…

Sierra Club questions HMB over Beachwood

August 07, 2009
Oops - HMB needs to reestablish a State ruputation "Remember we just deeded back another park for the same reason." Another "oops" that should give everyone pause who voted in schizophrenic council members who are in over their heads and who can't fund what they think was the "new" golden opportunity. If you can't fund golden opportunities don't volunteer to accept a property or TAKE a property without really much thought as to consequence decades later. We have talked for half a decade about the…

Sierra Club questions HMB over Beachwood

August 07, 2009
Simplify this - Beachwood is no longer a housing development property! That was decided when the HMB council tried to transfer the property as a park and use the money to settle a lawsuit using disingenuous means. It is now time to hold HMB's council feet to the fire and demand they make the property into a park and to complete the park within two years! They tried to sell statewide taxpayers on it and if they do make it into a park (the state figured out this was a bogus plan & fraudenlent use of…

Sierra Club questions HMB over Beachwood

August 06, 2009
Obviously Steve doesn't know much about farming - "Discing, harvesting, mowing, its all the same." Time to farm for a living or go to th market and consider the practices of the farm products that created the basis of your dinner. Your dinner may never be the same again. It is certain, HMB will not be proud of its past politicians for a long time and will curse the day their taxes come due for an unnecessary lawsuit. I guess they too couldn't tell the difference between "discing, harvesting, mowing,…

Sierra Club questions HMB over Beachwood

August 06, 2009
Unless there was a natural basin to create a wetlands in the topography at the Beachwood property, I suspect the wetlands was man made - considing the slope of the land from the foothills to the sea, the natural runoff was to the sea or absorbed into the groundwater. Probably the coastal highway and residential developments on the east and west side of the highway helped to create an artificial wetlands. I bet the other developments north and south created an artifical barrier divering water onto…

Sierra Club questions HMB over Beachwood

August 05, 2009
I think that HMB created the wetlands by their poor or intentional engineering. I think it was intentional or they would have corrected the engineering.. It was special interest all along and probably criminal becuse it was intentional. Some one got a pay off if only a psychic payoff. Who those people are can only be speculative. They should be prosecuted as being on the take if there is any truth in this speculation. The consequences were not unexpected. A few felony convictions would decimate the…

Sierra Club questions HMB over Beachwood

August 04, 2009
HMB and Beachood Property is no Longer a Local Issue: Perhaps interlopers have a right to make their feelings known about HMB and its Chop Keenan fiasco since the city asked for state assistance (statewide taxpayer money) in settling the lawsuit using public funds that were not earmarked for settling an $18 million. AB 1991, AB/SB 659 by Mullin, Hill and Yee. Maybe the interlopers see through HMB's attempt to sell a the developer down the river to make Beachwood Park and now the council wants to…

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