Comments by Vince Williams
July 12, 2009
Darin, Thanks. I see your points and agree. I remember hearing in one of the Fire Board meetings Ms. Malach say that MCTV management had to assert editorial control over channel 6 to assure her produced content had a competitive advantage over other content in order to preserve the cost structure of MCTV. I suspect this is illegal censorship under 47USC 531 Section 611e. My armature reading of the law is that the only condition the Operator(Comcast) or PEG Access Manager (MCTV) a designee of the…
July 12, 2009
I don't understand the issue is with MCTV. In terms of service to the community, MCTV is not doing a very good job. Further, their main medium for distribution, Comcast provides poor service with declining numbers of customers. It's somewhat disturbing County revenue is being used to provide ineffective public access. But, there are many examples of County waste. MCTV seems more concerned with keeping the same people employed doing what was needed forty years ago, when big corporations dominated…
May 14, 2009
Steven Hyman writes: "Vince, obviously this is a land use issue. And its interesting from many angles. Here you have a tenant trying to take away land from the US Government." You falsely characterized the MW&SD; Airport well litigation as part of "endless wasteful expenditure of taxpayer money on this perpetual litigation" costing the taxpayers of "our little community", when in fact it was your little community of HMB. You are now attempting to use a legal issue over government grants and government…
May 14, 2009
Steven Hyman writes: "As far as legal costs go, I don’t have a clue which is why I asked. You think maybe $300k so its probably twice that. " Try reading what I wrote. So, what's your basis for your $600k legal cost estimate? Two times a worst case "lemming" estimate? You had been inferring MILLIONS by falsely associating the MW&SD; Airport well litigation with failed litigation in HMB of a different nature. "And I’m glad to hear that you think those silly little words written on a grant deed…
May 13, 2009
Steven Hyman writes: "Most of the litigation that we’ve had could have and should have been avoided and would have saved millions of dollars that could have been better spent elsewhere benefiting the community. Its disgraceful how many millions have been wasted on nothing. I bet the HMB number is in the $10-$15 million range. Anybody want to guess what this lawsuit will cost MWSD?" Which "we"? HMB or "our little community" in you head or MW&SD;? Certain individuals in OUR community bird dog MW&SD;.…
May 12, 2009
Steven Hyman writes: "Its beyond a stretch to say that my asking a question is depressing property values in Moss Beach and Montara. . This suit has been going for a while and will continue." Steven Hyman wrote earlier: "On a personal note, one of my pet peeves about living here for over 25 years is the endless wasteful expenditure of taxpayer money on this perpetual litigation. It doesn’t stop. How many millions have been squandered that could have been put to better use for our community?" The…
May 12, 2009
Steven Hyman writes: " Your argument that I can’t comment on the eminent domain appeal because of where I live doesn’t hold much water." That's not what I wrote. Try reading it again. "I think I have my facts straight and have asked for an explanation as to the reasons for the appeal." Early you wrote: "After all, how often does our little community try and take land away from the feredal government, lose and then try again." I responded: "On the Airport wells, SMC lost their case in Superior…
May 12, 2009
Steven Hyman writes: "But this suit and subsequent appeal is fascinating from my perspective in that it raises many interesting questions (i.e. eminent domain, leases, permits, rationale, legal cost, new owners, etc) which no one seems to care about." People in this community do care. People that live in our community understand they can't be informed of every little detail and trust the people they elected. Why does our community have to deal with the insecurities a realtor, that doesn't reside…
May 12, 2009
Federal Appeals Court procedures make filing an appeal more of giving notice. Only an informal/opening brief is submitted. The MW&SD; Directors have previously changed their charter, filed condemnation against Citizens/CalAm/RWE and wound up acquiring the private water company. There was no blow by blow public disclosure of those actions. In the past six years they found new sources of water and pushed their capital plan through the CCC. The Directors have had their critics. But, the same individuals…
May 12, 2009
I'd have thought a real estate broker would know there are times for privacy around a transaction and times for disclosure. I don't have an answer for your question. Probably no one does, but the principles. In negotiations over real property or litigation there is little to be gained by publicly stating one's offer, terms, legal strategy or trying one's case in the public or political arena. You're curiosity isn't sufficient justification for a disclosure that could jeopardize the position of all…
February 01, 2009
Ric Lohman,
If you think you are quoting me with:
“'I want to dissolve the MCC ASAP since it’s a Democratic majority popular vote org, and it’s always in the way of our takeover plans to merge everything under our exalted CCWD leadership and those who just stuck HMB with a $20 million debt.'”
,you are misquoting me.
If you think you are paraphrasing what I wrote, you are wrong.
February 01, 2009
Barry, Here is one paragraph from a week or so ago, from a related topic, an exchange between Darin and myself which drew no responses other than the typical Carl May response. I haven't really seen anyone else propose a practical solution. Link to topic: I think the better strategy is to recognize the MCC has out lived it usefulness. See what forms in the political vacuum. One idea…
February 01, 2009
Carl May wrote: "I’m not running for anything, Vince. But you have run for local positions a couple of times based on your political and economic outlook. How did that work out?" No, you don't run for office. You don't go to meetings anymore, either. You just pontificate on blogs. I thought you had decades of following local politics. Oh, this must be a sarcastic rhetorical question:…
January 31, 2009
Carl May wrote: "Funny how objective and entirely supportable comment on the county BOS and its individual members becomes “demonizing” in the eyes of some." The Midcoast middle class suburban minority(relative to the County as a whole) doesn't really know how to function effectively as a political minority. They start battles they can't win, burn out their supporters, reduce their supporters to bitter commentators on blogs that blame someone else. "Dealing with our county government on midcoast…
January 30, 2009
As I understand it, the representation by the Supervisors election at large within the County dilutes the Coastside vote by a factor of about 100. That under representation is further exacerbated by the political disengagement of the Midcoast. Look at the very low turnout in the Nov. 2007 election for local elected offices. Finally, take the local practice of polarizing every issue around the issue of growth. No wonder the MCC is left to a few local political diehards. Now, let's take an issue like,…
January 26, 2009
Kevin J. Lansing,
I do not appreciate being quoted out of context. For you to pick a couple of my sentences out of several paragraphs to twist my meaning and disparage someone else is wrong.
I'd invite others to read the original(14) and Darin and my discussion(15-18) of one of the sentences quoted out of context by Mr. Lansing.
January 26, 2009
This has become the non issue no one wants to talk directly about, because it is all just political theater. The absurdity I fail to comprehend is why is this political trifle being guarded so fiercely by the debaters building walls of obfuscation? Now, we have philosophers trying to obfuscate the issues by wrapping them around the poles of Socratic vs. Sophist dialectic. Now, I live in fear of being labeled not just a closet pro growther, but a Sophist. Those trying to paint me a Sophist using pseudo…
January 25, 2009
You need a few more negative endorsements. Nirvana may not come to you in this lifetime. It's the journey of accumulating as many political enemies as you can, that counts. But, it may come to your children. People will feel guilty about what they did to you and will attempt to make it up to them. They may very well be the first mayors of the incorporated City of Midcoastia. All kidding aside, It's really a quite effective political tactic to dissuade anyone in the middle of an issue form participating…
January 25, 2009
Darin, I was trying to be brief. I though you and Neil would be happy with the lack of divisiveness between the Supervisors and the MCC. With the Supervisors approving of the MCC members behavior, there would be the opportunity to collaborate on the few other issue that were untouched by the issue of growth. I wasn't trying to paint you pro growth. I appreciate how hard it is to try and maintain the appearance being in the middle of the road on the growth issue. We have all been warned that the only…
January 25, 2009
Why should the average citizen of the Midcoast care who is RIGHT here? Let's strip it down to the bare politics. The conflict of interest, incompatible office and alleged Brown Act violations of a purely advisory body are all spitting in the gutter violations. The real political issue here is the Board of Supervisors rejected the LCP update and admonished the MCC members that they could only advise the Supervisors. The majority of the MCC have reacted by turning the MCC into political theater, which…
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