Comments by K. Loegering

CUSD “pink slip” list released

April 01, 2009
Barry, Do you know when the district will receive more education budget information? It's a shame to see this list of people. Thanks.

Letter: New information on low flying aircraft into HMB Airport

December 18, 2007
Hi Carol, Would you mind sharing the information you googled, specifically the address for the link? Thanks, K.

Letter: I sent this to Comcast today

November 26, 2007
Hm, maybe we can use this as a template for PG&E;too?

Letter: Noise abatement violations over Montara

October 04, 2007
Carole, do you mean illegal? I cannot imagine that it is legal to disclose who complains.

Letter: Noise abatement violations over Montara

October 02, 2007
The noise abatement recommendations are as follows and posted on the official Half Moon Bay Airport website: > No intersection takeoffs. > No turns until reaching 500' MSL. > Reduce power/rpm as soon as safe and practical. > Pattern work, especially touch-and-goes, is discouraged at night and on weekend and holiday mornings. > No stop and goes. > Fly Right Traffic for Runway 30 and Left Traffic for Runway 12. > Avoid flying over Seton-Coastside Hospital, located just North of the airport. > Maintain…

Letter: Noise abatement violations over Montara

October 01, 2007
jb, how is this comment helpful? For me this is not a conversation about airplanes near an airport but about recreational pilots who just don't care and are in violation of the ordinances that were created so that everybody can co-exist. This behavior seems to be on the rise and gives a bad name to the airport. Why is it okay to violate the no pattern rule on weekends, to fly well below any recommended height limit to the point that you can read the tail numbers and to fly for 4+ hours over residential…

Letter: Noise abatement violations over Montara

September 30, 2007
It's been 4 1/2 hours now that patterns are being flown over Moss Beach. According to law, patterns are supposed to be discouraged on weekends. The guys are in clear violation, they are barely above the trees. Every 2 - 3 minute an airplane is flying over our house. I called the airport and they told me it's a busy day. I am waiting for a return call from a supervisor. Even with all windows closed you still have to raise your voice if you want to have a conversation. In 10+ years on the coast, I…

Letter:  Why hasn’t anything been done about the evening commute?

July 13, 2006
Kevin, I have to strongly disagree. I have sat in traffic at the highway 1/92 traffic light not being able to turn left for 3 - 4 traffic light phases, yet traffic coming northbound on Highway 1 was flowing freely with NO backup whatsoever. With nobody yielding who comes northbound and everybody pushing into traffic on Highway 92 (and some of them being so rude that two or three cars try to get in front of you) there is simply no room left for more than a few cars to turn left onto Highway 1. Even…

Letter:  Why hasn’t anything been done about the evening commute?

July 12, 2006
I called CalTrans and asked them what needs to be done to get the traffic light switched on so that everybody shares the burden. I sent an email to the police chief in Half Moon Bay asking for better traffic control because that is mediocre at best. This morning I saw a cop at the 92/Main Street intersection let pedestrians cross 92, even though they stepped on the road AFTER their light turned red. Nobody prevents drivers from pulling up to the turn lane onto Highway 92 and then merging into that…

Letter:  Why hasn’t anything been done about the evening commute?

July 12, 2006
The morning commute seems to be getting worse again. At 09.00 a.m. southbound traffic from Montara to Half Moon Bay basically comes to a standstill. There is barely any room for southbound cars to turn left onto Highway 92 because the northbound traffic is allowed to keep turning right. It's time to turn the traffic light on at the Highway 1 / 92 intersection to even out the burden of the morning commute. Yesterday it took me about 45 minutes from El Granada to Half Moon Bay and at least 4 phases…

Letter: Sign and distribute a petition to Trader Joe’s

June 24, 2006
"They would cater to the local community, hold credit to folks and will be able to cash checks." Do you know which chain store this is? Cashing checks and holding credit does definitely not sound like a quality store, just the opposite. K. Loegering El Granada

Letter: Sign and distribute a petition to Trader Joe’s

June 18, 2006
Not having to drive 20 - 25 minutes (50 minutes roundtrip) will reduce pollution and traffic congestion. Having jobs on the coast, will allow people to buy housing and sustain themselves. Having businesses on the coast gives us tax revenue and maybe even some sponsorship for our schools, who knows? People wanting to keep it all for themselves ("I was here first and now I won't allow you to come in...") lecturing everybody else about their ignorance for wanting a quality, yet decent priced grocery…

Measure S loses with 61% of the vote

June 10, 2006
Please, step back and read your posts. It sounds just the like the gobbledygook we are getting from our politicians and the CUSD. And why in the world do people need to engage in name calling and political banter when everybody is supposedly just interested in the well-being of our children? Where is any pragmatic approach to helping our schools in the meantime?

Measure S loses with 61% of the vote

June 07, 2006
We can discuss the sense or non-sense of measure S all we want – it’s not going to improve our schools in the year to come. I would suggest getting back to basics – volunteer your time, help organize events at your schools, donate money and supplies to your classrooms. It will get people involved, help build better relationships with the teaching staff and you will see the direct impact on your children.

Albertsons closing in HMB

June 06, 2006
I vote for Trader Joe's too. Kirsten, El Granada

Un Dia Sin Immigrantes (A Day Without Immigrants)

May 05, 2006
Mike, Kathy and Cheri, I completely agree with you that economic issues and oppression are drivers for people to leave their countries and come here. Since my daughter goes to school with children of migrant workers I have heard their stories personally and know their hardships and since my husband goes to a Central American country every year on his own money to help build infrastructure, to clothe and feed children and support the local hospitals with medication, we know the living conditions.…

Un Dia Sin Immigrantes (A Day Without Immigrants)

May 04, 2006
We all know what the answer is if you were in the shoes of the person outside a little village in Ensenada, that’s a rhetorical question and charged with the same emotion that fuels the current debate. But Stephanie brings up a valid point - the difference between people, who come to the US legally and illegally. When you come here legally you are an open book to this country – I had to show that I was able to support myself financially, I needed a sponsor who was liable, a thorough background…

Un Dia Sin Immigrantes (A Day Without Immigrants)

May 03, 2006
While I sympathize with the plight of people who don’t have opportunities in their home countries and come to this wonderful place to make a living and support their families, I believe we should not start romanticizing an activity that is illegal after all and that also has many negative impacts on our communities. As a legal immigrant who has done everything ‘by the book’ and gone through the system, I am offended by the attitude that something is ‘owed’ to people who have broken the…

League for Coastside Protection endorses parcel tax

May 03, 2006
Pat, Could you please post the website link where this information can be found? I am very interested to take a look at it. Thanks, Kirsten Loegering

Coastside power outage started in San Bruno

February 11, 2006
We must have had several hours of power loss in El Granada. I noticed that the clock on the stove was off by 3 hours in the morning.

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