Comments by Steven Hyman

Local Government Committee passes AB1991—next stop: Appropriations Committee

May 05, 2008
I have observed over the years how well organized these groups are in championing their positions. Whether or not they have tons of money, they do seem to have the ears of many legislators. Maybe what we are seeing here with this bill is that the proponents are well organized too. And who knows, perhaps Mr. Davis can even persuade his former boss to come out here to save HMB. That would be very cool to see Bill out here on the stump. And Kevin's wish is starting to come true because our commissions…

Local Government Committee passes AB1991—next stop: Appropriations Committee

May 04, 2008
I do feel that the opposition is well funded, well organized and very savvy. Its good to see that City was able to hire a group that will make this somewhat even. Of course Orick has a strategy. Otherwise they wouldn't have been hired. Its true that in most of these situations the lawyers are always the ones who make out, win or loose. Wish I could work that way.

Local Government Committee passes AB1991—next stop: Appropriations Committee

May 04, 2008
Its good to see that the City has a very professional law firm with good PR expertise helping them get out of this unfortunate situation. Looks like the first round was won by the citizens of HMB. But its too early to start popping the champagne cork yet because the opposition is so well funded and organized. To those who think Keenan is making lots of money, I'm sure there are easier ways. This like so many other projects here are 10-20 year battles with millions spent on lawyers and endless studies.…

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 28, 2008
Jim, You first and foremost need to have this conversation with your Realtor. But I don't think anyone knows how this will play out. Will AB1991 pass? If not, how will HMB pay for the debt? Sell land, bond issue, raise fees, cut budget are all options should Plan A not fly.

HMB will owe a lot less than $18 million if AB1991 fails

April 28, 2008
I agree with you in that something should be done with Beachwood. The big question is what and by whom. Assuming that AB 1991 is defeated then HMB needs to come up with $18 million in cash. Beachwood might be an appealing source of cash to pay down the debt but you first have to settle the debt before you can sell it off. People kind of frown upon selling something they don't own yet. The City would maximize their revenue if they played local developer. But that takes experience and money to develop…

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 22, 2008
Some seem disappointed that they couldn't bury the City with a $50 million judgment so now they want to take the irresponsible tact of ducking their obligation by hiding in bankruptcy. That's a poor option. Assuming that the bill doesn't pass, the City needs to liquidate some of their real estate holdings to satisfy the judgment. They probably own enough to take care of all if not most of the $18 million. Without the City coming up with a lot of the money, the public isn't going to bail them out.…

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 20, 2008
I think paying $18 million is better than $50 million. 0 is best but I think the City had an uphill battle in court. I will also tell you that if the financing has to be approved by the public, the chances of that happening are worse the AB 1991. I vote for the City selling off some of their real estate holdings to settle their obligations. I've been saying that since day one. They need to contribute significantly to solving the problem they created. Otherwise, they'll never learn from their mistakes…

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 20, 2008
Ken, I think this attitude is dangerous, if not scary. It is the height of irresponsibility to risk financial ruin on a gamble. The potential of losing is too high. Settling this was the logical thing to do. Leonard, I can't look at Beachwood and see anything special. Its not part of the ecosystem that is going to save the planet. Its near a sewer plant, homes, McDonalds. As to what is special to me are the coastal bluffs, the mountains. It wouldn't bother me if all the land on both sides of HWY…

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 20, 2008
Mike Lets say HMB went forward with the appeal. Either the decision would have been overturned, reduced or upheld. The settlement reduced the judgment by almost 60%. That's not too bad other than its still a staggering amount of money to find. It also put some sort of closure on this. A 2-3 year appeal could have made it hard for homeowners to sell their homes because some prospective buyers may have been afraid to locate here with such a huge judgment undecided. Leonard I've been blasted for being…

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 19, 2008
I know many people here have repeatedly said this was a bad deal. The City wasn't bargaining from a position of strength. They were in a $41 million hole. That being said, what could you offer Keenan that would motivate him to settle now instead of pushing for the whole enchilada plus interest? As it was, he agreed to wait a few years for money. That was a generous concession cause it gave us a few years to find the money.

Coastal Commission takes on AB1991

April 19, 2008
To Barry, Kevin, Mike and Ken, I respect your commitment to HMB and I know you are all very intelligent. We just see things differently and that's OK. Just as nothing I've said here has changed your views, there's nothing you have said so far that's changed mine. Perhaps my anger is over the never ending fighting that has gone on here for 10-20 years. Everything is such a major production. Maybe a few things got done but so many other projects that really matter to the community are fought tooth…

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 19, 2008
Ken, None of us know what was really said behind closed doors. But its tough to negotiate when you tell the opposition that just won a $41 million judgment that you won't appeal. There would be no incentive for the other side to move an inch. Just dig in your heels and say give me $41 million now please. I think the appeal was a smoke screen to buy time to work out a deal. I also have to wonder how seriously they thought the chances of getting the bill approved was. What this did accomplish was it…

Coastal Commission takes on AB1991

April 19, 2008
What I can't ignore is the damage this has been done to our town. This inflexible attitude of weeds over people has gotten out of hand and threatened our financial stability. Every day when I drive past Beachwood, I stare at it and shake my head. When I point out to potential homeowners the site, they ask me if I'm joking. They too can't see the rationale for saving the weeds. Its good that the City settled. Maybe Walker's decision will start injecting some reality into things. I can't imagine this…

Coastal Commission takes on AB1991

April 18, 2008
Its interesting that many of the posters are so confident that the City could have won on an appeal. None of us have all the facts and were not present at the settlement meetings. I think it would have been the height of irresponsibility and arrogance to pursue that knowing that a loss would cost us $50 million which we don't have. You also need to understand that this was probably the best the City was going to get without risking bankruptcy and financial ruin. I'm glad the City has finally woken…

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 18, 2008
Ken, Of course the City Council picked a new law firm. I don't think many people were in favor of retaining the old law firm that cost us over $5 million in fees and lost a lawsuit costing us another $41 million. Appealing a lawsuit is a crap shoot. Who knows what 3 other federal judges would decide. They may have thought their buddy was correct. And while I respect your opinion, you're no federal judge so you know as little about the outcome as me. And I have to tell you that it is foolhardy to…

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 18, 2008
Everybody is entitled to their opinion about the verdict and settlement. This wasn't some LA OJ jury trial. This case was heard by a federal judge wrote wrote a 170 page decision. The City after advice from an army of expensive lawyers decided to settle also shows that they agreed with the judge. To me, the appeal was the high risk avenue with horrible consequences should the City loose. This was the smart thing to do. Now we either need to get the law approved, which unfortunately many HMB'ers want…

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 18, 2008
Appealing the judge's decision was a high stakes crap shoot. Maybe the City would have been successful in reducing the size of the judgment or maybe not. If the judgment was upheld, the City's debt would have mushroomed to $50 million. There isn't a prayer that the City could raise that amount of money. The City would have ended up being dissolved. The settlement was the logical course of action. The City Council got the amount of money reduced which is the exact same thing that the appeal was trying…

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 17, 2008
Ray, That's wishful thinking. I don't hear compromise. I hear the same old thing that got us into this mess. I guess people don't learn from their mistakes.

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 17, 2008
I wish I could say that there is a pulling together for the greater good. Frankly, I don't see it. Quite the contrary. I see the battle lines being clearly drawn and we are going to own an overpriced field of stupid weeds for $18 million. The only good thing that has come out of this sad situation is that people are getting fed up with how the weed lovers are ruining this place. Of course, its $18 million too late.

HMB to Sacramento: If you don’t support AB1991, we’ll kill this dog

April 17, 2008
What I find interesting to keep reading is the constant outrage that the City caved in and settled this $41 million judgment. What I think is lost on people is the fact that the City was not bargaining from a position of strength. In fact, quite the opposite. They were staring down the barrel of a judgment that could easily grow to $50 million with interest. With that as the backdrop, its kind of hard to pull out a winning hand. And Mr. Keenan had the deep pockets to keep burying the City with crushing…

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