A film about film making and overcoming the challenges that life throws at you

Press release

By on Thu, August 11, 2005

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Friday night, the Coastside Film Society presents The Five Obstructions. Director Lars von Trier drags his old mentor, Jorgen Leth out of retirement by challenging him to "re-make" one of his classic shorts over and over again in a variety of clashing styles.

von Trier provides five set of "obstructions" that his master must overcome.  For example, the first film must be made while shopping for cigars in Cuba with no individual shot lasting longer than half a second.  Thus begins a battle in which we get to watch student and mentor reverse roles as Leth is thrown and conquers challenges which have been custom designed to ruffle his artistic sensibilities.  All five final films have been intercut with documentary footage showing how each challenge was tackled and overcome.

"In 90 minutes we get to reexamine the nature of cinema, the sources of creativity, and the unexpected joys of the unanticipated moment. And it couldn’t be more fun to watch."  Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times

Friday, August 12, 2005 at 8:00 pm
Community Methodist Sanctuary,  Half Moon Bay
777 Miramontes, Half Moon Bay, Corner of Johnston & Miramontes.
$6.00 donation per person