Letter: Join us for a fundraiser for African education

Letter to the editor

By on Sun, September 16, 2007

There is going to be a very special fundraiser for Grass Roots Aliance for Community Education, Africa, whose founder Natasha Martin, recently received the Jefferson Award, and is a Half Moon Bay resident.  The fundraiser will be held at Cypress Meadows in Moss Beach, on Friday Sept. 21st at 6pm.  The donation is $50 to attend, included for that donation will be food from Cafe Gibraltar and It’s Italia; fine wine; music by the Penisula Scottish Fiddlers; a speech by Lazaraus, an African university student whose elementary education began with, and now continues with, funding from G.R.A.C.E.; a short presentation by Natasha Martin; a wine cellar raffle; both a silent and live auction, with amazing offerings. 

This organization is unfettered by bureaucracy, the money that G.R.A.C.E. receives goes directly to empower communities in Africa, in five countries,in a grass roots effort to fund the education of children orphaned by AIDS, to facilitate a youth peer counseling program, and also a goat rearing program for adults living with HIV/AIDS.  It also works,through members of the community, to educate the community on AIDS prevention and care, and to breakdown the stigma attached to the virus. It works across tribal lines, inspiring cooperation and collaboration, rather than conflict, among tribes accustomed to the latter. 

We all have a fabulous opportunity to be part of this amazing organization by attending a wonderfully local fundraiser. While enjoying each other’s company, fabulous food, wine, music and perspective we can help to truly transform the lives of many people suffering from the consequences of AIDS in Africa. That is an opportunity not to let pass you by.

Information and RSVP:  (650) 712-1890