A golden opportunity to affect the future of HMB


By on Mon, July 13, 2009

The present direction of the HMB City Council was determined by eight votes four years ago.  Whether you agree with the decision to raise the salary of the interim City Manager or not, this decision may make it possible to elect a more progressive Council.  When even the Review in its June 24th editorial opines

The council seats of Jim Grady, Bonnie McClung and Naomi Patridge are on the line in November. While none of them have publically announced whether they will seek re-election, the race got easier for Grady – the only council member to vote against the raise – and much, much tougher for McClung and Patridge.

we have a golden opportunity to use this issue to elect a Council majority that will work for the betterment of the community.

I hope that we will have an electable slate of progressive candidates.  The time for filing started today.