Album: Darin’s photos from Tunnel ceremony

By on Wed, September 19, 2007

Darin Boville
Darin Boville

It seems that there’s a ceremony around the Devil’s Slide Tunnel every year or so on the Coastside. This year’s event marked the beginning of actual hole-drilling. Lots of dignitaries were on hand, as well as lots of awesome-looking drilling equipment. Darin has an essay about the event on Montara Fog and an album of photos on SmugMug.

In this case the organizers were planning to have a image of Lennie Roberts—the citizen-leader of the movement to substitute the tunnel for the "bypass" (read: four-lane highway through Montara into Moss Beach)—working the controls of the digging machine to make the first scratch into the mountain to begin the tunnel. Now look at the coverage on the television and local papers and we’ll compare notes about how many used that image—and ponder the independence of the press.