See “An Inconvenient Truth” in HMB free this week

Press release

By on Fri, September 29, 2006


"An Inconvenient Truth" will be shown Monday to Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday this week at the Methodist church in Half Moon Bay.
Paramount Classics has made a gift of 4,000 Inconvenient Truth DVDs to houses of worship all over the country through a faith-based ecological sustainability organization called Interfaith Power and Light (IPL).  IPL is a non-partisan ministry that works with congregations to reduce pollution through energy audits, efficient lighting and appliances, supporting the development of clean energy and providing education. 
The Social Concerns Prayer Group, a newly formed group at the Methodist Church, are sponsoring the film.  What’s the connection between a church and global warming?  Global warming is not a political issue; it is a moral issue.  People of most faith traditions are called to love one another and to be responsible stewards of God’s creation.  As we saw in New Orleans, the ones who suffer most during natural disasters are the poor.  We must start planning now to support those who will be affected in our community when the effects of global warming strike.  Although the film offers potential solutions for global warming if we act now, it portends extreme disruption of life as we know it. 

After each film, there will be a discussion on ways to reduce energy use, prevent carbon dioxide emissions and contribute to the sustainability of the earth. 
Groups in the community who are committed to these goals may contact Shari Deghi at 726-1340 and reserve table space for written material.

Click for details.

"Today we are hearing and seeing dire warnings of the worst potential catastrophe in the history of human civilization: a global climate crisis that is deepening and rapidly becoming more dangerous than anything we have ever faced….At stake is the survival of our civilization and the habitability of the Earth….This is not ultimately about any scientific discussion or political dialogue.  It is about who we are as human beings.  It is about our capacity to transcend our own limitations….To see with our hearts, as well as our heads, the response that is now called for.  This is a moral, ethical and spiritual challenge." An Inconvenient Truth, by Al Gore, 2006
Students, parents and teachers are especially invited to attend. We need to give our kids the training they will need to deal with the broken earth we are leaving them.  "Imagine we are 17 years into the future and share a brief conversation with our children and grandchildren as they are living their lives in the year 2023.  Imagine now that they are asking us:  ‘What were you thinking?  Didn’t you care about our future?  Were you really so self-absorbed that you couldn’t – or wouldn’t—stop the destruction of Earth’s environment?’ What would our answer be?  We can answer their questions now by our actions, not merely with our promises.  In the process, we can choose a future for which our children will thank us." An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore, 2006.
The views expressed in An Inconvenient Truth do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the members of Community United Methodist Church.
*Tuesday Oct 3 at 7:00 p.m. there will be a discussion of the book by the same name, An Inconvenient Truth at Moon News on Main Street.

What scientists are saying about An Inconvenient Truth:
"The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify nations taking prompt action." – Science Academics’ Statement from 11 countries (the G8, China, India, and Brazil): Global Response to Climate Change, 2005
"Delaying action for decades, or even years, is not a serious option." – Sir David King, Chief Science Advisor to the British government – Science Magazine, Jan. 2004
"AP (Associated Press) contacted more than 100 top climate researchers for their opinion. Among those contacted were vocal skeptics of climate change theory. Most scientists had not seen the movie, which is in limited release, or read the book. But those who have seen it had the   same general impression: Gore conveyed the science correctly; the world is getting hotter, and it is caused by the burning of fossil fuels." – Seth Borenstein, Associated Press June 30, 2006

Showtimes (PG)  95 minutes.

  • Monday Oct. 2 at 7:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday Oct. 3 * – special event, see below
  • Wednesday Oct. 4 at 3:30 p.m. 
  • Friday Oct 6 at 3:30
  • Friday Oct 6 also at 7:30 p.m.
  • Saturday Oct 7 at 7:30

Location: Community United Methodist Church, 777 Miramontes St., HMB
To see a trailer and lots more cool information, go to the film’s website:
Cost:  FREE