Anonymous letter writer continues to harrass city hall

By on Wed, August 29, 2007

The anonymous letter-writer who has been hitting local government officials and media is back in action. The County Times has a good story on the latest anonymous attack, which is as ugly as anything we’ve seen so far.

The letter, faxed to City Hall, downtown merchants, Realtors, developers and members of local agencies, was written by "David Meir," the author of over a dozen missives since March. He accuses city officials of taking bribes from a local businessman who opposes the configuration of a gas station. He uses explicit sexual language to suggest a relationship between the city’s director of public works and city manager. Toward the end of the letter, he writes that he himself is in a sexual relationship with the director of public works and calls for his resignation.

On Monday, City Manager Marcia Raines issued a public letter defending her employees and challenging "Meir" to show his face.

The city’s letter reads, in part: "City staff respects a person’s right to their opinion under the Constitution, but the tone of the letters has become increasingly disgusting, and in some cases threatening, to both city staff and members of the public ... we categorically deny the allegations made about city employees and encourage those persons with issues or grievances to meet face-to-face with senior management staff."

Coastsider received a copy of the most recent letter. The letters do seem to be getting edgier.  The current letter moves in to some fairly personal territory and repeats the ongoing theme that the author is watching city hall and has informants in the building.