Auto burglars break car windows: Sheriff’s report for July 21

This week, the San Mateo County Sheriff reported five auto burglaries in the Montara/Moss Beach are. All involved broken windows, and four of those featured visible valuables stolen from inside the car.
If you’re going to leave your purse in plain sight, you might as well leave the car unlocked so you don’t have to replace a window when it’s stolen.
Details on these and more petty crimes after the jump.
07/13/10 @ 0026 hours
Cabrillo Hwy / Kelly Ave
A subject was contacted during a traffic stop for vehicle code violations. A records check through County Dispatch revealed that the subject had an expired driver’s license and was on County Probation with search and seizure. At the conclusion of the search of the vehicle he was driving, Deputies located a small baggie containing suspected methamphetamine, a glass pipe, and less than 1 ounce of marijuana.
Warrant Arrest
07/14/10 @ 0800 hours
400 block of Capistrano Rd, Princeton
On 07/14/10, at approximately 0800 hours, Deputies performed a warrant service on Capistrano Road in unincorporated San Mateo County for a female subject. The subject had two felony warrants out of the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office for drugs. She was located and taken into custody without incident.
Auto Burglary
07/14/10 @ 1615 hours
Cabrillo Hwy, Montara
On Wednesday, 07/14/2010 between 1615-1721 hrs, unknown suspects smashed the passenger side window of victim’s vehicle and took his wallet from the center console. The wallet contained three visa credit cards, one CA driver license, a Safeway card, and a Costco card. Victim has called his banks and cancelled the credit cards.
07/14/10 @ 2010 hours
Cypress Ave. Moss Beach
A subject was consensually contacted in the 200 block of Cypress Ave in Moss Beach. A consent search revealed a glass smoking pipe and suspected methamphetamines. He was arrested and booked into San Mateo County Jail on the listed charges without incident.
Warrant Arrest
07/15/10 @ 0811 hours
500 block of 3rd St, Montara
Deputies contacted a subject known to have an outstanding warrant. The subject told the Deputies that he thought he took care of the warrant. All information was confirmed on the $10,000 warrant and the subject was taken into custody without incident. He was transported to the county jail.
Auto Burglary
07/16/10 @ 1607 hours
Alton Ave / Beach Way, Moss Beach
On Friday, 07/16/2010 between 1530 and 1607hrs, unknown suspects smashed the passenger side window of victims vehicles. A purse containing personal items was removed from the passenger floor board. The vehicle was parked on Beach Way at Alton Ave in Moss Beach.
Public Intoxication
07/17/10 @ 1058 hours
100 block of Avenue Alhambra, El Granada
On July 17, 2010 at approximately 1058 hours deputies were dispatched to Avenue Alhambra in El Granada on a report of an intoxicated male subject yelling in the parking lot of the Easy Mart Market. Upon arrival Deputies met with the Deputy Harbor Master who told them he found the subject standing in the middle of the Avenue Alhambra extremely intoxicated and yelling at no one in particular. In the past, Deputies have had numerous contacts with the subject and recognized him. He displayed objective signs of intoxication such as a staggered gait, slurred speech, bloodshot/watery eyes, and the odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his person. He had reached an intoxication level where he was unable to care for himself. Deputies placed him under arrest for Public Intoxication to be released when sober and able to care for himself. A communications check of the subject showed an active misdemeanor warrant for his arrest. He was arrested and taken to the county jail.
Auto Burglary
07/17/10 @ 1614 hours
Montara State Beach
On Saturday, 07/17/2010 between 1400 and 1614hrs, unknown suspects smashed the passenger side window of victims vehicle. A purse containing personal items was removed from the passenger floor board area. Victims stolen discover visa card was subsequently used by the unknown suspect at a Daly City gas station at 1640hrs.
07/17/10 @ 2216 hours
700 block of Palma St.
The victim invited the suspect to her residence and they were involved in an argument over their failed relationship. The suspect became enraged and damaged a spa cover in the back yard of the residence. The victim estimated the cost to replace the spa cover would exceed $400.00. The suspect was arrested and booked into the county jail.
Auto Burglary
07/18/10 @ 1430 hours
McNee Ranch
On 07/18/2010 between 1045 and 1430 and unknown suspect smashed the rear passenger side window of the victims vehicle and sold two purses from the rear portion of the vehicle. The total loss was estimated to be approximately 1,900.00 dollars.
07/18/10 @ 1746 hours
200 Capistrano Rd, Princeton
A resident called the Sheriff’s Office to report that he was the victim of vandalism when unknown suspects poured an unknown substance all over his vehicle while he was at work. When he attempted to rub this substance off of his vehicle it removed a small amount of paint from his driver’s side door.
Auto Burglary
07/18/10 @ 2045 hours
McNee Ranch
Two women were the victims of an auto burglary when unknown suspects shattered the rear, driver’s side passenger window to their vehicle. Once inside the vehicle, the suspects stole the victim’s purse containing credit cards and personal items.
07/19/10 @ 1242
800 block of Airport St, Moss Beach
Deputies were alerted by a citizen about a possible drunk driver heading northbound on Hwy 1. The suspect had stopped by a local tow company to get items from his vehicle that was towed due to a DUI. An employee of the tow company was concerned about the subject driving after he could smell the odor of alcohol on him and observed him nearly fall asleep while talking and getting his belongings out of the wrecked vehicle. Deputies saw the vehicle northbound on Hwy 1 and made a traffic stop to check the welfare of the driver. The driver admitted to Deputies that he was taking medication. Deputies also found a water bottle filled with alcohol on the seat next to the driver. The driver had to hold onto the patrol vehicle to keep from falling and he appeared to be on the verge of falling asleep. Field sobriety tests were conducted and failed. The driver was arrested and taken to the county jail.