Back to Basics invites Coastsiders to adopt a classroom

By on Tue, July 18, 2006

Back to Basics is looking for Coastside business people to adopt classrooms in our local schools.

"One of the recurring misconceptions about this program is that it is limited to Coastside businesses," says Erin Tormey of Back to Basics.  "But we do have Coastside residents who work over the hill in the program, and would love to find more."

Their goal is to find people to adopt half of Half Moon Bay High School’s classrooms by the first day of school on August 28.  They’re looking for things like like printer cartridges, toner, and batteries for the calculators in the math labs.

Participants set their own average monthly dollar amount and choose a subject, and they are matched with teacher that matches their budget and interests.

Click the "full story" link for more information.

Here’s how it works:

1)    You determine an average monthly dollar amount you can contribute in basic supplies such as paper, printer cartridges, highlighters etc. for the duration of the school year.

2)    You choose a subject area such as Mathematics, Literature, French, Biology, etc.

3)    We match you with a teacher who has submitted a request for support that fits your budget and interest area.

4)    You order the requested supplies from a vendor of your choice, and deliver the first order of supplies to the classroom.  You may choose to deliver subsequent orders, OR work with the teacher to choose a student or parent volunteer, or one of Back to Basic’s coordinators to ensure subsequent orders are delivered.

Your contribution of basic supplies to a classroom enables you to make a direct, measurable impact upon our children’s success, and ultimately, our community’s future.

The Back to Basics Adopt-A-Classroom program invites the community into the classroom in support of teachers and their students. By adopting a classroom, donors form partnerships with specific classrooms providing financial and moral support. The result is a meaningful contribution to education in which donors experience the impact of their efforts and celebrate in a classroom’s success.

As you participate in subsequent years, you enjoy the cumulative effect of your efforts with each new class of students, as well as develop a lasting and meaningful relationship with the classroom teacher.

Call 650/726-4802 or visit to adopt a classroom today.