Be Swindlers or Create Integrity: Build the Beachwood Park


By on Wed, July 15, 2009

Dolder said the city’s current goal is to "repackage" the [24 acre] property so that, five or 10 years from now, it can be sold to a developer for as much as $15 million.

Wait just one minute - you reneged on Keenan the developer, lost a lawsuit, proposed to knowingly or fraudulently pay the lawsuit through proposition funds and I-Bank money to build a park and now you want to sell this property to a developer!

This makes no sense - build the intended park; that was your intention and it should be completed well within two years.  You want a 24 acre park and was willing to use Hill, Yee and Mullins to do your bidding in Sacramento.  No park and we will all know HMB politicians are crooks intent on swindling the taxpayers. 

What is the matter with Mayor Muller and the City Council?  You promised the people of HMB a park as they needed more open space and recreational facilities for mixed use - for citizens and visitors.

Does anyone see a continued problem in the judgement and decisions of the politicians in this community?

BUILD THE PARK and keep your integrity intact with Sacramento legislators and the statewide taxpayers that fund special interest projects like parks and the I-Bank… or fold your tent!