Big Wave developers are responding to the DEIR comments themselves due to lack of funding
I attended the Planning Commission meeting yesterday.
During the meeting Jim Eggemeyer, County Planning Director informed the Planning Commissioners that the Big Wave Project developers are "collaborating" with the Planning Department by responding to 245 public comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) themselves. Eggemeyer also said that the Big Wave Project developers are unable to continue funding the environmental consultants (CAJA).
The Planning Commission Site Visit will be Monday, April 26 at 3:30pm
The Planning Commission Hearing is April 28th at 6:30pm at HMB High School.
Link to Area29 letter hand delivered to the Planning Commission yesterday:
Link to Darin Boville’s Planning Commission meeting article:
This "collaborative" approach may cast doubt on the credibility and transparency of the EIR process.