Blue Blanket Improv show and scholarship award, Saturday

Press release

By on Wed, October 8, 2008


With banks being propped up, the Dow plunging, and even the Russian market down 40% in spite of careful observation of Alaskan residents a mere three miles away, where can one get a good return on his or her investment? Blue Blanket Improv Bank, Inc. (BBIBI, "bibby-bee") offers these suggestions for October:

  • Invest in LAUGHS! A mere $10 investment provides an evening of merriment at Enso (131 Kelly Ave, Half Moon Bay) on October 11th, at 8PM.Better still, bring 3 friends, take advantage of our "Buy 3, get 1 Free" promotion, for an immediate 33%return (a startling 3,063% APY) . Buy at the door, or online at: *

Invest in rising comic talent! BBIBI puts its money where our mouth is! (Which makes brushing our teeth hard, but our dentists love us…) After combing the Coast for the funniest, most talented applicant for our Internship program, we are pleased to announce that Jarred Gibbs is the winner of our $500 college scholarship. Jarred will join the Blue Blanket Improv troupe and be recognized at Saturday’s performance. This prospect us does not constitute an offer to buy or sell securities. Before redeeming or purchasing shares, we urge you to consult your investment and tax professionals, find out what they’re doing on October 11th, and if they want to come see BBI. Remember, if your CPA, attorney, and broker buy tickets, you’re in free!

The serious version:

Blue Blanket Improv, the Coast’s premier non-profit improvisational comedy troupe, announces the selection of the 2008 Scholarship winner. Jarred Gibbs, of Half Moon Bay, will be recognized for her completion of the Blue Blanket Internship program. In addition to joining the performance troupe, Jarred will receive a $500 scholarship for college expenses. The October 11th Blue Blanket Show (held at Enso Studio, 131 Kelly Ave, Half Moon Bay, 8 - 10 pm) will feature a short presentation of the scholarship award. Our shows feature more than a dozen "short form" improvisational comedy scenes: audience suggestions give our players the inspiration for scenes that incorporate characters, genres, and dialogue all made-up on the spot. Tickets are $10, buy 3, get 1 free, and may be purchased at the door or online at: